Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Clean Chenille Sofa

Sondrio city of hidden treasures. Arts

The beauty of Sondrio, are hidden. To find out we must dare to venture through the streets of downtown, open doors, climb the stairs. Behind the austere facade of the buildings are hidden loggias and colonnades, halls vaguely Bavarian baroque and Stue richly carved. It 's just a wooden sculpture with its strong religious one of the jewels of the Valtellina Museum of History and Art. The other is the local pride Ligari painting of Peter, the patriarch of the Valtellina's most famous family of artists of the eighteenth century, Peter von Salis called Chur to paint his palace in a vain attempt to unite the Valtellina Graubünden as a fourth League mending relations between Catholics and Protestants dopo l’uccisione di Nicolò Rusca e le stragi del Sacro Macello.


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