Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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Arcavacata, December 30, 2008 - University

Journey of Remembrance - Referral

The University of Calabria, of course, had organized as part of a Memorial Day trip to twelve students in Israel, which said normally Journey of Remembrance should have begun on the evening of Saturday, January 3 and ending on the afternoon of Friday, January 9, 2009.

The dramatic changes that have occurred in the last week in the state politics of the Middle East, made widely known through national and international media, have forced the organization to review the draft. Feel the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Israel in Italy, and finally several Italian correspondents on the site of proven reliability, it has been decided to cancel the departure. The Journey of Memory in fact plays a highly significant teaching and training, which would be far less automatically, even if carried out without any problems, he had lived by the students - like their relatives back home - in a state of tension or even worst fear.

organizing the tour and the Rector Gianni Latorre therefore hope for an immediate cease-fire in and around Gaza and the gradual return to normal, so you can reprogram the initiative.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

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Mountain Spa: Wellness in the Alps

The wellness sector in the mountains in recent years is growing. Typing the search words "welfare" on Google, the search engine suggests indeed associated with Trentino Alto Adige region but has no hot springs. Yeah because the beauty of the Alps Rhaetian is just to have different hot springs. Want to put the real spa!
Only in the Engadine and in Valtellina there are four spas: St. Moritz, Scuol, Bagni di Masino e Bormio. Un tempo esisteva una rinomata fonte di acqua ferrugginosa anche a Santa Caterina Valfurva, ma purtroppo in seguito ad alcuni lavori di ampliamento della pista da sci limitrofa alla torbiera da cui sgorgava, il percorso dell'acqua deviò e non si riuscì più a ritrovarla.

Risalendo la Valtellina, all'altezza di Ardenno si diparte sulla sinistra la statale per la Val Masino, cupa valle alpina già ricordata da Salvatore Quasimodo . Si arriva ai Bagni di Masino salendo per una strada tortuosa che corre lungo uno dei pochi torrenti non ancora imbrigliati dalle opere delle centrali elettriche, circondati da pini ed abeti. Si giunge infine in un a basin, surrounded by imposing walls and looming and you are immersed in an atmosphere of yesteryear. The old hotel Delabre looks full of charm, too bad it is open only in summer. The spa is modern as well as the old building recently renovated. The water flows from the mountains to around 38 ° C and the site is the ideal place to relax and enjoy the great calm of the site, isolated from the world because, fortunately, the phone and you do not take the old head of fixed phone the hotel.

Bormio resort is too well known for its hot springs. I have already said that the historical sources speak of Pliny, Cassiodorus and Leonardo , now I will speak instead of the differences between the three spas. Bormio Terme is a modern spa suitable for children and families: you spend relatively little and enjoy some good times in large pools or slides. Too bad that chlorine is added to water spa.

A temple of well-being are on the way to the New Baths and the Bagni Vecchi to Livigno Stelvio. For New Bathrooms dominates the cozy atmosphere fin de siècle, combined with the luxury of the only 5-star hotel in the valley: in a few years it has become the most exclusive beauty farm in Italy. The Bathrooms Old are unique, perched on a spur of rock overlooking the Adda, fascinosissimi, with breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains in front. There is captures the atmosphere of the times that has made this area one of the more popular of the Valtellina. In both structures there can also be accessed only as guests of the spa, but to enjoy them the most is good to do during the week, avoiding the religious holidays in which there really too many people and even higher prices.

through the Alps we reach St. Moritz, the tourism capital of the Alps Here spa baths are a bit 'so to speak because there is only one source ferrugginosa, with which, however, our Swiss neighbors can do miracles: the rest of the alpine tourism was born here over a hundred years ago.

Going down to the 'Lower Engadine (as they say in Romansh) is finally school, a large village with stone houses with painted facades and the church bell with the tip, as in Christmas cards or cartoons Heidi. Here, twenty years ago the municipality has built a modern spa , still perfectly clean and well maintained. The part I like most is the circular tank outdoors, where the current being drawn with a breathtaking view of the mountains. Around Scuol flow more than 20 hot springs, some of which are also used in Bad Tarasp Vulpera, a village that is located above a narrow gorge of the Inn and dominated by an impressive castle.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

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Epiphany in Bormio. Gabinat

For some 'time do not speak anymore of Bormio and its old ways. After Christmas, the imminent New Year, Epiphany, the season starts and with it the unique costumes of the Magnificent Earth: Gabinat .

This comes from the dialect word Geben der Nacht in German means night of the gifts. From Vespers of vigiglia to those of the Epiphany, was unleashed in fact a kind of struggle between the inhabitants of the high valley to those who said it first Gabinat. The winner was entitled to a gift which was to be paid before 17 January, Feast of St. Anthony, when he began Carnival. The custom of

Gabinat is also present in other neighboring countries. Livigno is said, however, Bond gibinèt to Semogo ghebinèt to Cepina and Valfurva Gabinet .

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"I am the last intellectual jew. I do not know others. All your other Jewish intellectuals today are the petty lords of the province. Da Amos Oz a tutti questi qui in America. Dunque sono l’ultimo. L’unico vero continuatore di Adorno. Mettiamola così: sono un ebreo-palestinese» (Said 2007: 47-48). Così si conclude l’intervista rilasciata da Edward Said ad Ari Shavit nel 2000: nel segno di un altro esule come Adorno, certo, ma soprattutto con un richiamo più che simbolico a quell’idea di coesistenza, di convivenza pacifica e necessaria tra popoli, che ha contrassegnato le riflessioni dell’intellettuale arabo intorno al tema dell’esilio e alla questione israelo-palestinese. Uno sguardo, quello di Said, dominato dal tentativo difficile, eppure cruciale, di assumere in sé l’identità dell’altro, di lasciarsi arricchire dall’incontro e dal riconoscimento di ciò che appare come diverso. Senza sottovalutare, sia ben chiaro, la logica dei rapporti di dominazione, integralmente costruita sull’interesse economico e politico. Proporre la coesistenza, dunque, ha rappresentato, almeno fino agli eventi di Oslo, la possibilità di creare una base comune di appartenenza, una sorta di terreno unitario entro cui far reagire dialetticamente le differenze. Non sfugge quanto tale proposta politica sia ancorata alle convinzioni filosofiche di Said. Perché, a partire da quel classico della letteratura postcoloniale che è Orientalismo (1978, trad. it. 1980), per non retrocedere fino alla tesi di laurea su Conrad (1966, trad. it. 2008a), e passando per le decine di saggi che egli ha dedicato allo studio della cultura, della società, della critica, la sua indagine ha tematizzato la possibilità di leggere la realtà come un enorme contrappunto di voci differenti, che sta alla comprensione, all’atto del conoscere, armonizzare, secondo una metafora musicale pregnante e cara a Said (peraltro, musicista dilettante e musicologo “adorniano”).Così come si può stabilire un terreno comune d’azione, così come la realtà è irrefutabilmente unica e totale davanti ai nostri occhi, allo stesso modo si può agire su tale irriducibile identità per affermare le differenze che la compongono, quella pluralità di punti di vista che contribuisce a make dialectic reality itself and our attempt to grasp it with reason. Said insurance, in some ways, this contrapuntal vision of reality from his experience as a literary critic, aware of always being in front of a text - a unique, total, complete, finished - which, beyond its essential materiality, evokes a complexity infinite number of readings, different points of view. In this context, literature (all art) beautifully captures a pedagogical function: calls to observe how it is possible, within a universe, the co-existence of rich diversity, perspectives, epistemological trajectories. It is quite the utopia blochiana di un “multiverso” o, più semplicemente, il paradigma musicale di un’unità che sia rispettosa, attraverso le leggi dell’armonia, del canto di una singola voce (non è un caso l’interesse di Said per Bach e per il suo interprete più intellettualmente dotato, nonché volontario ed eccentrico esule, Glenn Gould) a esemplificare l’idea speranzosa di una pace possibile fra i popoli.Ha sempre colpito di Said l’estrema coerenza filosofica e politica. E dunque, dati i presupposti di pensiero, non sarà difficile interpretare sue affermazioni di questo tipo: «Quella che si desidera, pertanto, è un’idea di coesistenza che sia rispettosa delle differenze tra ebrei e palestinesi, but that is also respectful of the common history of struggle and the different survival different between them. [...] The fundamental issue is that the experiences of Jews and Palestinians are historically and organically linked to one another. To want to separate means falsify what is authentic in each of them. In order that there may be a common future we must think about our stories tied together, however difficult it may seem. And that future must include Arabs and Jews, together, free of any project tending to the exclusion [...] "(1998: 97 and 99). Having a common historical destiny of suffering, the two peoples have, for Said, a balance that makes them aware della reciproca e dialettica identità. Si tratta di una politica che esclude, da una parte e dall’altra, il fantasma del fondamentalismo e di un lavoro collettivo che trova la sua ragione d’essere nella mediazione. È nel dialogo sulla musica che il critico palestinese ha intrecciato con la voce dell’israeliano Daniel Barenboim – componendo, di fatto, un contrappunto intellettuale esemplare – che si possono leggere chiaramente le preoccupazioni di chi vede nel reciproco rispetto l’unico antidoto al radicalismo oltranzista e all’essenzialismo: «La storia – dice Said – è un fenomeno dinamico e se ci aspettiamo che gli ebrei israeliani non usino l’Olocausto per giustificare le spaventose violations of human rights of the Palestinian people, we must overcome such nonsense to claim that the Holocaust never happened and that the Israelis are all men, women and children condemned to our undying enmity and hostility "(Said-Barenboim 2004: 155). Said is convinced that the possibility to freely express views different from past experience and prevailing ideology arises from option offered by the condition of exile. Who lives uprooting, who always feels in the wrong place, those without a stable home, discount is an objective problem, but it may change in the practice of an alternative, in awareness, ie, the apparent vanity of what is thought of as definitive and unique. All'esule multiplicity of intuition belongs. Out of any order, he embodies dell'onnipervasività the illusion of power: it shows the impossible realization totalitarian, through the affirmation, albeit unusual, and demystifying a different perspective, it exposes the irrepressible instinct to reduce the silence subordination. The exile is one who, witnessing a life outside the order, lays upon himself the voice of those who, in passing, as wished Benjamin, backwards, has been forgotten by official history. In the book
which concludes the trilogy Homo sacer, dedicated to the concentration camp as a symbolic place of biopolitics and control over bodies, Giorgio Agamben, through the pages of Primo Levi, expresses the paradoxical condition of the witness. Since the chance to witness shall be granted only to the survivors, and they are called to witness to those who could not do it, or who, like the "Muslim", has been a position of decentralization that sink into the non-subjectivity So in the non-existence, then the witness testifies, by proxy, "a missing witness" (Agamben 1998: 32). The no-man - a Muslim, who arrived at Auschwitz, in touch lives in the inhumanity, to confuse the life in death - is the witness complete, the figure shows that "the possibility of a non-man who has stubbornly as a man" (49). How do I configure, that the situation of the witness is not integral aims to bear witness for those who would be appropriate to do so? In testimony, Agamben notes, "the non-man and man come into a zone of indistinctness in which it is impossible to assign the position of the subject [...]. This can also be expressed by saying that is the subject of the testimony which shows a desogettivazione "(112). Through the identification of this zona grigia in cui la stessa testimonianza invera ciò che non è umano dal punto di vista dell’umano, Auschwitz viene irrefutabilmente provato come tale: non è possibile alcuna ipotesi negazionista. Con le parole di Agamben: «Sia, infatti, Auschwitz, ciò di cui non è possibile testimoniare; e sia, insieme, il musulmano come assoluta impossibilità di testimoniare. Se il testimone testimonia per il musulmano, se egli riesce a portare alla parola l’impossibilità di parlare – se, cioè, il musulmano è costituito come testimone integrale – allora il negazionismo è confutato nel suo stesso fondamento. Nel musulmano, l’impossibilità di testimoniare non è più, infatti, a simple deprivation, but has become real, it exists as such. If the survivor testifies or not the gas chamber at Auschwitz, but for a Muslim if he speaks from an inability to speak, then his testimony can not be denied. Auschwitz - what you can not testify - is absolutely and irrefutably proven "(153). There is an inability to testify, and assuming that is the unshakable reality, can not be denied the chance to witness those who are absent: this is, in other words, the intellectual mission of testimone.Non escapes to testify that, therefore, be he who, exiled in Auschwitz and survived the deadly practice of exile, deportation to the eradication of the ravine, speaking on behalf of a different kind of exile, a kind of exile exiled himself, deprived of life, whose condition is averted by those who are already in its same starting conditions, it does not bear the future and can be identified. The deported, therefore, attests to the exile, bears witness to those who can not have a voice and speaking, I found that there.
The intellectual figure whose aims is Said, to some extent, that of the witness. When he claims not to have "no hesitation in believing that the intellectual must take the side of the weak, those who have not alcuna rappresentanza» (Said 1995: 36), prospetta sì un impegno politico di difesa delle subalternità, ma si riferisce prioritariamente a chi, nel conflitto delle identità, sconta l’impossibilità di poter testimoniare perché la sua voce si perde nel tumulto delle bombe, delle atrocità, delle armi. L’esiliato diviene, pertanto, una sorta di privilegiato che ha orrore della sua possibilità di testimoniare: se da un lato, egli testimonia in quanto outsider, per il fatto di aver raggiunto un’autorità attraverso il privilegio dell’educazione (e della vita), dall’altro, egli assume di sé la vergogna di non vivere il conflitto sulla pelle, se non attraverso il ricordo o the constant uprooting. The exile embodies the contradiction of having to take on his skin the voice of those who stayed at home, is an exile in his own terra.E a new humanism, in view of coexistence, to represent, for Said, the only means of witness -intellectual. The latter, once it reaches the authority to express a different point of view, is called upon to maintain its integrity, without compromising with the power that is invisible one, he would be able to absorb and neutralize the conflict alive in his own voice discordant. In this sense, he "is neither a pacifier nor a builder of consensus, but someone who has bet the whole its existence in the critical sense, consciousness is not prepared to accept easy formulas, prefabricated models, confirmation acquiescent and complacent about what the powerful right-thinking or saying and then what they do. " Therefore, "the hope of the intellectual is not to exercise its influence on the world but that one day, somewhere, someone reads what he wrote exactly the way you wrote" (37 and 68). Testify in Exile means, therefore, open a hole in the apparent calm of power open to being all that the official story denies. And if this is not possible immediately, the will in the future, given the existence of a different point of view that is, through writing and commitment, in fact testified. Finally, as Said describes, in one of the pages sharper and its set of critical, exile and witness the reality of his time: "There is [...] the alternative of silence, exile, of self, of the withdrawal in themselves, loneliness, or the one most congenial to me - as deeply fragmented and probably too marginal - that belongs to certain intellectual whose vocation is to speak truth to power, to refuse any official discourse, all forms of orthodoxy e di autorità, e di vivere nell’ironia e nello scetticismo, confrontandosi col linguaggio dei media, dei governi, del dissenso per restituire la testimonianza silente di un’esperienza soffocata e di una sofferenza vissuta sulla pelle. Non esiste suono né articolazione di voce che si rivelino adeguati a ciò che il potere e l’ingiustizia del mondo infliggono al povero, allo svantaggiato, al diseredato. Solo approssimazioni, mai rappresentazioni: che hanno l’effetto di interpuntare il discorso con il disincanto e la demistificazione. Ed è già qualcosa» (2008b: 579).
Marco Gatto

Bibliografia citata
Giorgio Agamben, 1998: Remnants of Auschwitz. The archive and the witness, Torino, Bollati Basic Books.
Edward W. Said, 1980: Orientalism. The European image of the East, Milan, Feltrinelli.
Idem, 1995: Tell the truth. The intellectuals and power, Milano, Feltrinelli.
Idem, 1998: War and Peace. Return to Palestine-Israel, Milano, Feltrinelli.
Idem, 2008a: Joseph Conrad and the autobiographical fiction, Milan, the Assayer.
Idem, 2008b: In Exile. Reflections, readings and other essays, Milano, Feltrinelli.
Idem, 2007: My right of return. Interview with Ari Shavit, "Ha'retz Magazine", Tel Aviv 2000, Rome, during the night.
Daniel Barenboim Edward Said-2004, Parallels and Paradoxes. Thoughts on music, politics and society, Milano, The Assayer.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

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On Memorial Day there will be a special space for children, expected around 18:00, 27 January: be called Graffiti. Clearance students. Anyone can say something about the book and conference or on issues of Memorial Day. Alternatively they can leave comments and questions here below. Marilena Callipari , Francesco De Pascale, Antonio Late and Immaculate Planet have already raised their hand. And you, what are you waiting?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

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Christmas holiday in the mountains. Discounts

As every year we will spend the Christmas holidays in the mountains ... There was no doubt? Here we are, as always on the lookout for better opportunities in terms of price offered by the province of Sondrio.

Valtellina it offers many possibilities for a ski holiday. Among other for those who reside in the province this year in Santa Caterina there is a chance to enjoy a discount of 50% not only on the price of daily dell'antimeridiana and afternoon, but also on the cards for more non-consecutive days .

This year the snow is for sure. In fact, many ski resorts have opened early. A Bormio ski from early November, Livigno has also opened early with a free ski days. The next Saturday, Dec. 13 to Aprica is scierie free. Church in Valmalenco strives to students and families, who use a respectively discount of 25% and 50%.
Approfittiamone ...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

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years of terror and massacres in Italy

A crowded exhibition hall of the 1500 students ... and you hear a pin drop. It seems surreal image of the Italian school, but that's what happened today in Morbegno. Mario Calabresi, Manlio Milani Benedetta Tobagi (in order of appearance) along with the journalist of the Corriere Giangiacomo Schiavi held the audience riveted for two hours, in commemoration of a key period to read and understand our recent history and Italy present the seventies, in which massacres and terrorism threatened to cripple the country.

Each of the three speakers gave a strong message: Benedetta Tobagi hit me the freshness, the positive momentum to find the roots that are being used to look forward, not only for himself but for everyone. A woman of 31 years talking to young people 18-19 and gives them a charge contagious. Mario Calabresi has an uncommon ability to tell and tell, to captivate the audience in the narrative. It 's a personal narrative, warm, never biased and even resentful. Two young men who kidnapped the young, and not only ...

... and an old man, an old worker, Manlio Milani, who is unknown to the general public for the wearing of a name (and a personal story behind it) "heavy". But no less heavy is the weight of the massacres of anonymity, shared with their victims. Victims of terrorism furono infatti persone "simbolo", le stragi invece colpirono nel mucchio, la morte fu indiscriminata, le persone divennero solo numeri: "strage di Piazza della Loggia, 8 morti; stazione di Bologna, 85".

E' per questo che è essenziale ritrovare la memoria . Calabresi non a caso ha scelto di non parlare della propria vicenda personale, ma di quella del medico Luigi Marangoni come emblematica della strategia perversa del terrorismo. Ed ha posto l'accento sul fatto che per guardare al futuro (che è la cosa più saggia da fare oggi in Italia) è necessario aver messo a posto il proprio passato, facendo chiarezza. Fino a pochi anni fa le vittime del terrorismo sono state considerate qualcosa di uncomfortable, then as noted Schiavi something has changed. It 'important, as Melanie said, "give meaning to history." For too long there has been a sort of "removal" of this dark period, but injuries removed, as noted by the Mayor of Morbegno, at some point in life appear and you have to deal with them.

In Italy it is difficult to make history without there being an ideological reading, we are still anchored to a political reading of the Risorgimento and the Resistance, let alone the seventies! But as Calabresi, Milani and Tobago have been able to recover the memory to push the night away, I think that Italy and the Italians are to develop this collective mourning for final delivery gli anni di piombo alla storia e guardare al futuro.

Friday, November 28, 2008

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Snow in Sondrio: Autumn Colors in photographs

Nevica, nevica, nevicaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Era dal gennaio 2006 che non c'era una nevicata così, tutto il giorno a larghe falde. Mi godo il paesaggio dalla finestra nell'attesa che arrivi il crepuscolo per andare a rubare ancora qualche fotografia magica alla giornata.

Sono momenti speciali, da non perdere. Oggi sono uscita per immortalare questo paesaggio bianco e surreale, che mette serenità ma anche sonno (un paio di figli si sono addormentati). Non voglio perdermi l'atmosfera fatata a day like this, with more red geraniums on the balconies whitewashed. There are flourishes of snow on iron or wrought seem embroidery.

ligariana pity that the tower is all packaged in a beautiful scaffolding and not to be reproduced as photographs that I took 27 January 2006, who published on the side. Tonight I will come back to hunt for pictures ;-).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

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After yesterday's snowfall has whitened the tops and sprinkled the streets of the valley, but now we went from our friends in Monte Buglio, small producers of wine from Valtellina .

This summer, some friends had given us the Tuscan wild boar, and after you finish harvest and bottling, it was finally time for him right party. Jugged, combined with a b she polenta from Valtellina (without cheese) was not bad. Also we have a pairing with the wines: Rosso di Montalcino, Brunello then a bit 'too barrels, ending with a fantastic Sfurzat.

In the afternoon, while children rincorrevano i gatti nella stalla, non ci siamo concessi il lusso di una passeggiata nelle vigne ammirando un paesaggio che si commenta da sè. No, non rimpiango gli anni in cui vivevo a Milano.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Light Pink Mucusy Two Day Period

Years of Lead. Pushing (together) the night before the snow farther

E' un autunno d'oro per la cultura, è davvero difficile riuscire a cogliere tutte le opportunità che il territorio offre. Tra le altre voglio segnalare un evento che si terrà il prossimo sabato 29 novembre al polo fieristico di Morbegno. Francesca Peroni, milanese trapiantata in Valtellina, è riuscita ad organizzare un momento di riflessione sugli anni '70 invitando i famigliari di alcune vittime del terrorismo degli Anni di Piombo.

Che cosa accomuna Luigi Calabresi, commissario di polizia murdered by some members of Lotta Continua, Walter Tobagi, the Corriere reporter gunned down by the Red Brigades, and the victims of the massacre of Piazza della Loggia, for which has not yet been found for the author? A kind of oblivion has veiled for too many years these killings and the deaths, avoiding not only that was made clear, but even that could be retrieved to memory. It is in this direction and you should read the work of Francesco Peroni, thanks to his determination was able to bring the closest relatives of the victims of terrorism since the device Valtellina.

why the event is completely free, is dedicated to the students because they may know a troubled period della nostra storia recente che troppo spesso sfugge allo studio scolastico, ma che ha influenzato non poco la vita della nostra Italia democratica.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Adult Not Taking Showers


Dopo tre settimane di brutto tempo è tornato un sole stupendo. Non lamentiamoci: il brutto tempo ci ha portato anche tanta bella neve che ha consentito di aprire gli impianti anzitempo. La scorsa settimana erano aperti gli impianti a Bormio e Livigno, questa settimana sci gratis fino a venerdì a Livigno.

Per inaugurare la stagione invernale, domenica ho optato per una scappata oltre confine al Diavolezza. Una giornata memorabile, un cielo terso, il sole caldo e la neve invernale e farinosa. E' una bella sensazione quella di sciare in autunno, perché non there is the pungent air of shorter days of the year, seems to be almost in the spring. The descent to the valley, however, is a riot of colors, yellow and brown with the larches and the setting sun that stains pink peaks. Even my calves are different, not like now when you are trained in late season.

Friday, October 3, 2008

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The Rite of apple and grape. The border of hope

Staying in the theme of festivals I want to signal a slightly 'detail that goes beyond the usual culinary tourism and makes us stop a moment to reflect. This year's festival in apple and grape of Villa di Tirano there will be a time dedicated to the Holocaust. In fact, along the paths of Tirano in the course of World War II managed to escape in Switzerland a few hundred Jews. But some did not have it done and his death in the mountains or in concentration camps.

Professor Fausta Mass' s Historical Institute for the Resistance of Sondrio, he studied and collected the information about these pathways and Saturday, September 11 at 9:30 am there will be opportunity to hear the last witnesses of this piece of history of our house, including a person who has risked his life to "ferry" in neighboring Switzerland persecuted Jews. In short, an opportunity to reclaim our "memory" and to revisit the recent history between the red and yellow apples.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

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Weekend Culinary

Autumn in Valtellina it's time to harvest, but it is also a time of festivals and flavors.

For some years now in Teglio are organized weekend theme to which they subscribe the best restaurants in town and villages. The theme of the fungi of the last two Sundays in September, seguranno those of the game, the autumnal flavors to end in November with the festival of the pig. The menu and prices are fixed as well: 33 € for a meal for a king. In addition to

Teglio also Morbegno there are events worthy of not being lost: a Morbegno in the cellar, the first two weekends of October, you can taste the best red wine of Valtellina in fifty old, public and private open specially for the occasion. To this is added the now famous event Show Bitto that this year will be held October 17 to 19.

For those who prefer to explore the ancient villages of the valley there is a review of the coastal countries of Gustosando Cech. Civo, Caspar and duty with their short history will be the venue of this festival that combines the wine of the Valtellina its gastronomy.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

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The house fairy

"Good evening ... is the home of the fairies?"
not remember what name they had given. The invitation had arrived only days before the inauguration, and we could not take advantage. There had been years since we passed and the children could not help but notice the chalet liberty with the turret reminiscent of Sleeping Beauty's castle, the windows and roof of red wood chips as you do not use these parts.
"Yes, it Villa Brioschi "
"But you do a restaurant?" "Yes"
It seemed to enter into a timeless world, a little 'taste of old England and much of the house. And I felt at ease, relaxed after a long day to pack. From the window overlooking the valley sunset colors of pink light flooded the Adamello, pink fading to gray over time in the afternoon. A particular window, very large and very low, which offers a unique view ... and the mind flies, shoot down all the buildings that spoil the seventies the other angles of view, imagine when they were under the horses, and the image takes shape in the mind, in the imagination.
few years ago was a sign that appeared to sell the house, who knows what they would do! Unfortunately Aprica past years there have been too hasty speculation or renovations. The beautiful villa Caprotti, a cubic stone essentiality of rationality in the local center of a large lawn, had been turned into an unlikely jumble of styles on sticking Tyrolean balconies and smothering the center of a ring of low buildings (it is a such horror that I could not find a photo on the web). And perhaps this is not the worst example. The
casa delle fate ha invece mantenuto intatto il suo fascino. Più che di una ristrutturazione si è trattato di un restauro conservativo, una vera scommessa per riportare la casa all'antico splendore. Ne hanno ricavato un raffinato ristorante e un bed and breakfast da sogno, in cui si coniugano vecchio e nuovo: camerette mansardate con finestrelle basse, letti dal profumo di pino e cassettoni di una volta con le stesse decorazioni riprese sulle porte, vecchi armadi con lo specchio... e nella torretta della Bella Addormentata una vasca idromassaggio circolare.
"Mamma voglio venire qui a dormire".

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Exogrid Air 2010 Blogs

Sustainable Tourism in the Valtellina

Dopo mesi di silenzio torno a parlare sul blog per segnalare un lavoro di spessore fatto da una class of students from Sondrio. This is a media narrative that examines the last 20 years of history of our valley, from the flood of 1987: 1987-2007 Valtellina: the flood sustainable development.
An entire section is devoted to tourism, not skiing or spa, but a slow tourism, to savor every step along the trails and villages of the valley.
The work received an honorable mention in the polyculture competition, launched by the Politecnico di Milano.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

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tèra perduda: poems about St. Anthony Morignone

More than twenty years later it still makes sense to talk of the calamity that hit the Valtellina in the summer of 1987? What is remember S. Antonio Morignone Kite and two countries of the Val Pola landslide buried dall'immane? Tourists who hurried back to the valley is yes and no notice of the tear which is still visible from a gallery ... and some other local opinion leaders who would prefer to forget.

few days ago I had the opportunity to speak on the phone with Don Remo Bracchi, and receive an email shortly after moving: these poems were written not to forget, because it is stored and transmitted to the memory of a disaster where c ' is people who have lost a lot and someone who has lost everything. So we welcome initiatives that young people should remember what happened, which transmit the memory of the tragedy.

Qualche sera fa, parlando su ICQ con l’amica di Cepina che mi aveva prestato il libro per il lavoro che stiamo facendo, mi sono davvero commossa sentendola ricordare l’amica Raffaella, che assieme ai marcin de Culïon (i bambini di Aquilone), è stata sepolta dalla frana a soli 20 anni. E anche sentirle raccontare il panico della notte dell’alluvione: “non ho mai avuto così paura in vita mia”. No, non è giusto dimenticare.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Can The Coil Cause Depression

The path of the rock carvings of Sassella

La classica passeggiata dei sondriesi è quella al santuario della Madonna della Sassella. Dal centro cittadino il percorso dura circa un'ora e si snoda in piano lungo la via Valeriana, The old road that ran halfway across the valley.

The route has great historical and cultural values \u200b\u200bas the last part is entirely surrounded by terraced vineyards of Sassella, terracing the joint effort of generations of farmers who carried the earth from valley with the panniers.

During the Counter along this path were built several chapels, a sort of small Sacro Monte never finished because they were built only five on the twelve planned. Until a few years ago the last of these chapels, in a recess of the path near a stream, it was possible to admire the statues ligneee of the twelve apostles and the Virgin Mary statues that were transported to the museum for restoration of Sondrio.

After about an hour's walk we reach the hamlet of Sassella, where stands the church dedicated to Our Lady.
According to tradition, the shrine was founded in 932 in response to a request made by Our Lady appeared archpriest of Sondrio. The present building, however, is dated to the fifteenth century and is characterized by an elegant portico and a unique pentagonal tower which can be seen from the highway just before reaching Sondrio. The village has a special charm, with old houses risistrutturate and cobblestones that smacks of yore.

From here you can take the path that goes through the vineyards to reach, in about twenty minutes, the fraction of Triasso, which enjoys spectacular views over the valley and on ' Adda.

not seem to be in the context of the Alps mountains. Even in winter you can walk in shirt and if you pay attention you can find that among the stones of the stone walls are a few examples of succulent plants typical of the Mediterranean flora.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

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The rock carvings of
Triasso are not known even to the same Sondrio, but on the whole side of the mountain Rolla were discovered several sites with prehistoric findings suggest that lead to the Iron Age settlements along the side of the Valtellina reticulum.

In the town of Sondrio and its immediate vicinity there are in fact five prehistoric sites, all placed in a position overlooking the valley, ie a triangle, at the Church of St. Bartholomew, all'imbiocco Val di Castel Togno and Grumello . There are mainly of the shells, but close to Triasso there are more complex drawings strongly reminiscent of the engravings of the most famiose Rupe Magna Grosio and those of Vallecamonica.

To visit the engravings of Triasso worth it to leave the car in the square of the village, which lies in a valley sheltered from view just above the village of Sassella, and continue through the vineyards to the west on the road uphill. After about twenty minutes on the right you can see a house and a rustic and isolated shortly after they depart a way that reaches them. Next to the cottage there is a smooth rock on which recognize different camuna praying and a rose. A Sunday stroll exciting.

Monday, February 11, 2008

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Salvatore Quasimodo in Sondrio

Ma che c'entra Salvatore Quasimodo con la Valtellina? Che ci fa il poeta siciliano, premio Nobel per la letteratura, poeta ermetico e traduttore impareggiabile di poesia antica tra le aspre montagne retiche? Nella raccolta poetica "Ed è subito sera" compaiono due liriche che evocano inequivocabilmente il paesaggio valtellinese. Si tratta di "La dolce collina" e "Sera nella valle del Masino".

La prima è forse la più nota e viene quantomeno citata dai libri locali che parlano del paese di Ardenno: qualcuno ha pure pensato di dare un nome alla donna con "un fiore di corallo tra i capelli" cercandola tra le abitanti delle "scure case del borgo" dal quale il poeta ascolta l'Adda. In ogni caso il verso "la dolce collina d'Ardenno" ci sta bene sugli opuscoli turistici e viene quindi riportato, magari anche solo come citazione.

Sorte opposta è toccata invece all'altra lirica, vuoi per l'oscurità del linguaggio ermetico, vuoi per l'aria cupa che vi si respira. Versi come "Presto la rana cresce il verde: è foglia" ricordano più le sestine del trobar clus della poesia delle origini, che le chiazze di colore di altre più famose poesie di Quasimodo:"Ride la gazza, nera sugli aranci". Ma versi come "e l'allarme / è un canto di cupo dialetto" o locuzioni quali "cesure straziate", "lamento del corvo", "immutabile la noia", "freddo pietoso" non danno della Valtellina un'immagine felice da cartolina illustrated and were therefore censored from students of local history and memory.

Moreover Quasimodo was not by choice in Sondrio. In 1934, acting as interim surveyor at the Civil Engineering Department, got a transfer to Milan, but a bureau chief who did not like the poets confined him in Valtellina. At the offices of Piazzale Lambertenghi spent as little time as possible, so that an employee was accused of being ineffectual and even earned an official warning. In fact, just could not take the train back to Milan where he spent his time with artists and journalists in the most famous cafes in the city. On the train, which came and went, but courted the young teacher and requested them to leave the study by Carducci to appeal to modern poets.

So women were always in his speeches as well as in his poems.

Friday, February 8, 2008

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Leonardo da Vinci and the Baths of Bormio

"At the top of the mountain is Valtolina in Bormio. Terrible always full of snow, stoats born here. A Bormio are the baths. Valtolina as that terrible valley circumdata of high mountains. It's powerful wines and does so much more, and cattle from villagers ended born more milk than wine. This is the valley where Adda passes, which runs more than 40 miles to the Magna. "

So Leonardo da Vinci describes succinctly the Valtellina in the Atlantic Codex. Historians have been unable to trace una prova certa della conoscenza diretta del territorio valtellinese da parte di Leonardo. Si ipotizza che potesse essere al seguito di Bianca Maria Sforza, la bella nipote prediletta dello spregiudicato Ludovico il Moro, andata sposa all'imperatore Massimiliano d'Asburgo, già vedovo della prima moglie. Il matrimonio era stato celebrato per procura nel dicembre del 1493 e la sposa, dovendo raggiungere il marito a Innsbruck, transitò per la valle fermandosi alcuni giorni a Bormio, ospite della famiglia Alberti, prima di affrontare il temibile passo dell'Umbrail.

Il fatto che alcuni elementi essenziali del paesaggio della Magnifica Terra compaiano nella descrizione leonardesca ha fatto pensare ad una conoscenza diretta del territorio. Le montagne incombenti e piene di neve che incutono terrore a chi è abituato al dolce paesaggio collinare toscano, gli ermellini, le terme . E poi ancora altri elementi che fanno pensare al viaggio lungo la valle, come il vino e il bestiame , che ancor oggi rappresentano gli elementi di punta delle produzioni tipiche locali.

Ipotesi suggestive sì, ma certezze anche questa volta non ne abbiamo.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Excessive Thirst 9th Month

Deborah Compagnoni slope

Una delle emozioni più belle in montagna è risvegliarsi al mattino dopo che ha nevicato tutta la notte. Stamani il cielo era azzurro e terso, la neve farinosa e soffice, il paesaggio fatato con tutti gli abeti incappucciati di bianco. Dovendo tornare a lavorare in the afternoon, we went up early by the Morning, less than 60 euro in six people: a godsend.

cable car could be seen from the beaten track partially ee partially covered by snow. Once at the ridge Sobretta we decided to get off the front, leading the children. The track is dedicated to Deborah Compagnoni is a black, it's pretty tough, but if it is not frozen is a beauty and they also manage to get off now. The first time we chose the variant Sobretta on the front, following the route of the old women's liberation, the one that came to the Source. After years I tried again the thrill of skiing in fresh snow, forty inches of powdery snow wonderful background beat, no risk for me or for others. It 's wonderful to get off first and leave their wakes like a wagging in the snow.

Then we went into the valley of the Alpe in the sun and a hot chocolate at the refuge, and after a couple of runs we went down into the valley. The thrill of skiing in fresh snow had not yet passed. But this time we have seen from the gondola that others had followed us and the snow was now drawn from a dense network of trails. We then followed the old track Snowdrop hours dedicated to the friendly local champion. It is a path with a drop of one thousand meters that more good can go in less than two minutes. We descended slowly, with time of children. This

track has a unique history, which not everyone knows about: it was in fact drawn from a massive avalanche in 1918, the last year of the Great War. We've got some old black and white photographs, made at the end of the forties that shows the old paths through the woods and the only recognizable track. Unfortunately for the world of 2005 was enlarged and shaped. The woodland, which once was a true spectacle, no longer has that alternative descent and small planes, everything was aligned to make the track in accordance with international regulations and security policies ... But he lost a piece of history and poetry.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Why Does My Belly Bloat After A Meal

Holiday Carnival at the spa

's finally holiday, only two days of Carnival, but two days is not healthy because they fall on the weekend and finally you can go skiing without fear of finding the crowd. Roman Carnival, of course, since we are in the diocese of Como, in an area that has mostly tourists from Milan. We leave for Santa Caterina to enjoy this holiday season.

forecasts were so-so, quite ambiguous. The reality has exceeded expectations, but this time the worse it snows and there is poor visibility, little desire to ski. We spent the morning with the slide and bob up and down the street, bathing and having fun as we had fun once, but we just enjoy it for the afternoon. Terme, yes of the fantastic spa baths New , the warmth in the hot water in the falling snow.

E 'a special feeling, one that you feel in life a few times. The beauty of Bagni Nuovi is that there are many pools and outdoor swimming pools for which the lawn with white snow we finally managed to roll and dive back into the boiling water. It 'just does not happen often, but when it happens we must not just have it escape.