Sunday, May 17, 2009

How Do You Get A Free Cat On Poptropica

Our candidate for the Province of the country's jails

So the Catholic people our candidate to the College of Treviglio

The next 6 to 7 June the provincial election will find my name, Enrico Pisoni, as a candidate for councilor for the Green Group in support of the president of the center Cornolti Francis. If you're wondering who he is, you'll probably be interested to keep reading ...
Trevigliese I'm actually new to politics and thus take advantage of the columns of this newspaper to introduce myself, tell my why and explain the issues that I will continue to campaign and in the provincial council.

PRESENTATION. I'm 31 years old, I've always lived in Caravaggio until four years ago, I married and moved to Treviglio. Moreover, from a year Dad. I've always been interested in environmental issues and for that I graduated in Environmental Engineering and Land e, dopo aver ottenuto il dottorato di ricerca, ho iniziato a lavorare come ricercatore all’Università degli Studi di Brescia e ad occuparmi di qualità dell’aria. Sono iscritto da molti anni a Legambiente e sono membro della Consulta per l’ambiente di Treviglio.

MOTIVAZIONI: La mia famiglia mi ha trasmesso l’importanza di interessarsi alla cosa pubblica e di partecipare attivamente alla vita sociale; negli anni ho maturato la convinzione che sia importante impegnarsi in prima persona per le idee in cui si crede. Per questo, quando il gruppo dei Verdi mi ha proposto la candidatura, mi è sembrata una bellissima opportunità per mettere la mia passione per l’ambiente e le mie competenze professionali al servizio the community.

TOPICS: The Greens have signed the program Cornolti Frank and I share the ideas. In particular, my commitment will be addressed in two aspects: the environment and participation. Words for me are not abstract concepts, but aims to be achieved through concrete actions.
environment, namely:
- Sustainable Mobility: enhancing rail transport (trafficking in Treviglio, Bergamo, Arcene stations, Stezzano, Lift), and increase the number of kilometers of bicycle paths;
- energy saving and renewable energy incentives in the field building, rehabilitate public buildings
- waste management: to encourage the reduction of packaging, increase the percentage of the collection.
participation, namely:
- to citizens: promoting opportunities to meet and gather about the problems of land;
- involvement of new citizens, particularly young people and immigrant communities: making associations and representations, considering the parties politics;
- participatory practices: get to the final decision after meeting local people and listened to their reasons.

And now that I know a little 'more ... the choice is yours!


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