Isabella Calidonna è nata a Lamezia Terme (Catanzaro, Italia) in 1981. He completed his university studies at the University of Calabria, Cosenza earning the title of doctor (first degree) in Conservation of Cultural Heritage in December 2004, and Doctor of Science in History and Conservation of Artistic and Archaeological Heritage in July 2007. In November 2007 he won the competition for access to the School of Specialization in Art History at the University of Siena where he is currently in his second year.
In 2008 he began working as a curator at the Gallery Quadratureformedarte Lamezia Terme, where he still works and for which he curated the exhibition of Laura River, painter, Desinger, ceramist and designer, the daughter of Salvatore Fiume inaugurata nel novembre 2008, e per cui è in procinto di organizzare nuovi eventi.
I suoi campi di interesse sono molteplici, ma presenta una spiccata propensione verso il mondo artistico femminile dal Rinascimento fino alla contemporaneità. Interesse dei suoi studi sono state Sofonisba Anguissola, vissuta in pieno Rinascimento, precorritrice di un nuovo tipo di donna, e di donna come artista, soggetto della tesi di primo livello con la quale è arrivata finalista al concorso “Premio L’Autore” promosso dalla casa editrice MEF – Maremi Editori Firenze;
Diana Scultori, di cui ha studiato diverse incisioni indagando in particolar modo lo scambio culturale tra l’ambiente Mantovano e l’europa del nord. Paper presented to the School of Specialization in Art History from Siena.
has also recently begun a search at the Accademia di San Luca, entrusted to him by Dr. Angela Cipriani, about three women recently surveyed in the academic landscape between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: Matilde Malenchini, White Head and Rosa Mezzera. Other
its field of interest is the nineteenth century Calabrian which is preparing a contribution to the seminar to be held in March at the University of Calabria, on the painter Giuseppe Emanuele monteleonese Paparo, the subject of his thesis. In particular, he wanted to investigate the Roman leg of the painter (1806 - 1809) and nineteenth-century scholar, trait d'union between painting and painting in eighteenth-century neoclassical mold, we test the veracity and extent of relationships intertwined in this period and analyzed to access the Enquiry Form at the Accademia di San Luca in a letter written by the painter and state of studies known.
Within the seminar on the occasion of the celebrations of Memorial Day will present a contribution on the artist of Jewish descent, born in Lithuania, however, Antonietta Raphael, "the school in Via Cavour" as described by the art historian Roberto Longhi; Women's vital, exuberant, delicate, complicated and courageous. Suffered racial persecution, but he to save himself and his family, with the flight in August of '39 so dispersing his name. Through a thorough literature search and an even more extensive archival research, with which he had access to the correspondence of the artist and his diaries, it was intended to rebuild his artistic career, especially in deepening the development of its language, starting with his first exhibition, and analyzing the art of the 30 and 40, the most profiqua from the standpoint of business, but also the most dramatic, most of which express all his sculptures an expression of discomfort.
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