Amedeo Pingitore
Amedeo Pingitore è uno psicologo e psicoterapeuta. Come tale è regolarmente iscritto all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Calabria, facendo anche parte del Consiglio. Dal gennaio 1994 lavora nell’A.S.L. No 4 of Cosenza as a psychologist first line managers; also provides service in the Department of Mental Health (CSM) report, which also functions as supervisor and mentor for trainees pre-and post-graduate. For about ten years he was Technical Advisor and Expert in the Court of Cosenza. For about three years, since 1991, has collaborated with the University of Calabria, as a researcher at the Centre on the Mafia.
Amedeo Pingitore è uno psicologo e psicoterapeuta. Come tale è regolarmente iscritto all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Calabria, facendo anche parte del Consiglio. Dal gennaio 1994 lavora nell’A.S.L. No 4 of Cosenza as a psychologist first line managers; also provides service in the Department of Mental Health (CSM) report, which also functions as supervisor and mentor for trainees pre-and post-graduate. For about ten years he was Technical Advisor and Expert in the Court of Cosenza. For about three years, since 1991, has collaborated with the University of Calabria, as a researcher at the Centre on the Mafia.
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