Danielle Mazzonis
Mazzonis Danielle graduated in chemistry, a researcher in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, CNR at first and then, using the same technique applied to biological issues , at the University of London, Queen Mary college.
Since the mid-'80s, after a stay at MIT, Center for Policy Alternatives, his study and research, carried out at ENEA, was given to areas closer to production technologies and their relationship with the environment and health. Since 1993, she was involved in advanced technology transfer to SMEs and sectors "innovative" - \u200b\u200bsuch as cultural heritage and environment-both in Italy and in international contexts. From 1995 to 2002 was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer dell'Ervet, the development agency of Emilia Romagna. From then until now, is a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Since 2008, the adviser to the President of the Region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola.
addition to his professional activities, Danielle Mazzonis ha pubblicato libri e articoli in Italia e al estero su temi di divulgazione scientifica, di implicazioni sociali della scienza, di trasferimento di tecnologie, di modernizzazione dei settori tradizionali, di sviluppo locale.
Danielle Mazzonis ha ricoperto il ruolo di sottosegretario ai Beni e Attività culturale nel Governo presieduto da Romano Prodi.
Mazzonis Danielle graduated in chemistry, a researcher in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, CNR at first and then, using the same technique applied to biological issues , at the University of London, Queen Mary college.
Since the mid-'80s, after a stay at MIT, Center for Policy Alternatives, his study and research, carried out at ENEA, was given to areas closer to production technologies and their relationship with the environment and health. Since 1993, she was involved in advanced technology transfer to SMEs and sectors "innovative" - \u200b\u200bsuch as cultural heritage and environment-both in Italy and in international contexts. From 1995 to 2002 was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer dell'Ervet, the development agency of Emilia Romagna. From then until now, is a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Since 2008, the adviser to the President of the Region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola.
addition to his professional activities, Danielle Mazzonis ha pubblicato libri e articoli in Italia e al estero su temi di divulgazione scientifica, di implicazioni sociali della scienza, di trasferimento di tecnologie, di modernizzazione dei settori tradizionali, di sviluppo locale.
Danielle Mazzonis ha ricoperto il ruolo di sottosegretario ai Beni e Attività culturale nel Governo presieduto da Romano Prodi.
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