Iamurri Laura - in the picture (!) - Is a researcher at the Department of Historic-Artistic, Archaeological and Conservation, and Professor of History of art Contemporary Art at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Roma Tre.
She graduated in Arts at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, he obtained a diploma of specialization in archeology and art history at the University of Siena and the title of Doctor of Philosophy in History and criticism of artistic and Environmental University degli studi di Milano.
Si è occupata delle vicende della critica d’arte italiana negli anni che precedono la prima guerra mondiale; delle relazioni che intercorrono fra storia dell’arte e creazione contemporanea nella Francia fra le due guerre; del contesto torinese, con particolare riguardo al ruolo svolto da Lionello Venturi nella diffusione di idee e modelli pittorici d’origine francese. Oltre a saggi e interventi pubblicati sulle riviste specializzate e negli atti di convegni nazionali e internazionali, ha collaborato al volume collettivo Lionello Venturi e la pittura a Torino 1919-1931 (a cura di M.M. Lamberti, Fondazione CRT, Torino 2000), ai cataloghi delle mostre Gli anni di Parigi. Carlo Levi e i fuorusciti, 1926-1933 (Torino, State Archives, 2003) Art and Culture in Turin and national policies, 1920-1940 (Rome, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, 2004). She is the author of Art in Italy heading for the Dictionary of the Holocaust (edited by Walter Laqueur and Alberto Cavaglioni, Einaudi, Torino 2004).
parallel, coordinated and carried out research on issues related to women's stories: in 2001 he edited The Art of Women in the Twentieth Century (conference proceedings, with S. Spinazzè, Rome 2001). More recently initiated a review of the artistic creation of the '60s and '70s, with a focus on movement patterns and visual art criticism Lonzi Carla (Women in Art, edited by MA Trasforini, Rome 2006). She curated the exhibition and catalog portrait / autobiography (Rome, HK Andersen Museum, 2007-2008). For the magazine of the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (Paris), has prepared a survey on gender studies in Italy (Questions de genre et histoire de l'art en Italie, "Perspective," 4 / 2007, pp. 716-721).
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