Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Messenger Mac Keeps Changing My Display Name
Today I contacted the author of: http://qubocamper.blogspot.com/
telling me of his idea and I responded well.
Hello! what are Mimmo Mimmo & Rita Kangoo camper of http://kangoocamperizzato.blogspot.com
makes me a great pleasure to see that "small camper grow" and wait anxiously for your projects and your accomplishments. I do not know
Qubo internally, externally I saw him I was very nice. We recommend that you evaluate everything well from three measures: the height of the platform-bed should be the minimum necessary to dominate the highest object that you bring with you (chemical toilet, refrigerator, etc ... etc ... .), the bed will possibly be about 10/15 cm longer than the tallest crew and, possibly forever, you should be able to stand at least a point, albeit with his head bent, you have no idea how important it is until you try to live in a similar method for over two months, I talk a bit 'of Experience: http://kangooinviaggio.blogspot.com
Arriciao and arrileggerci soon
PS Let us create a club anything? a group on Facebook, is already there but we could do Kangoo camper vans camper or camper or Multispace ......... Let us come to some idea
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
How To Tell If A Cologne Is Knockoff
Cariplo Foundation's contribution and the results of the diagnosis. All relevant information for saving energy in the "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy" funded by the Foundation Cariplo and processed by the Public Works sector in cooperation with Ing srl Bergamo. Download the brochure from the site
more ...Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Segate Hard Drive Msds
Department of Culture
in collaborazione con l’Associazione P.A.E.
Ore 7:15 ritrovo alla Stazione Centrale di Treviglio
Ore 7:32 partenza partenza per Milano Greco Pirelli
Ore 8:45 partenza da Milano Greco Pirelli per Como
Ore 9:37 arrivo a Como: breve visita al centro storico della città
Ore 11:15 trasferimento a Brunate con la funicolare Como – Brunate
da qui per la mulattiera San Maurizio (circa 20 minuti in salita) si raggiunge il
ristorante “Locanda del dolce basilico” dove è prevista la sosta per il pranzo
(è disponibile anche un servizio di bus di linea per chi non vuol fare la salita a piedi)
Ore 15:00 dopo il pranzo inizio della camminata in discesa verso Como attraverso il sentiero
suggestivo che passa per l’Eremo di San Donato ( ex convento del XV secolo)
Ore 18:23 partenza in treno da Como per Milano Greco Pirelli
Ore 19:39 partenza da Milano Greco Pirelli per Treviglio
Ore 20:25 arrivo previsto a Treviglio
Quota partecipazione: Euro 20,00 da versare in contanti al momento dell’iscrizione presso il box
informazioni, è comprensiva del trasporto in treno, funicolare e dell’assicurazione contro infortuni.
€ 10 per iscrizione all’Associazione PAE (solo per chi non è ancora iscritto).
E 'can also reserve lunch at a cost of Euro 35,00
entries from July 27-Deadline: Aug. 19 at the box at the Office of the City of Culture
Treviglio, Bicetta Street, first floor, in the days of Mondays, Wednesdays at
10.30 to 12.00.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
What Was The Daily Routine In San Jose
Legambiente ..... confident participation!
Next July 15 will be the Conference of the Services which will give or not approvvazione EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for the landfill project on the area of \u200b\u200bthe former asbestos-cement Cava Vaillancourt of Treviglio.
About the project have spoken negatively Towns concerned: Treviglio, Calverley and Casirate.
It is an important step but not enough. The other institutions involved have not yet clarified their positions. In particular we refer to the Province and Region.
is not the final step. The authorization process requires additional steps. But a positive opinion, or even with the EIA requirements would open the project.
E 'need to raise the voice of citizens.
Our club along with Legambiente Lombardia, promotes a garrison from 9.15 am in front of the building in Via Sassetti, in Milan.
you're coming from Treviglio, the appointment is at 8:30 am at the Central Station, in Treviglio.
All are invited to attend.
For information: 3464972000 or 3398657525
The President of the Club: Arturo Giudicatti
For Regional Directors: Patrick Dolcini
Friday, June 26, 2009
Webcam Install For Gateway Windows Vista
CIPE has expressed their support to funding Brebemi Highway ' touted 'as the work incidental to the Expo of 2015 although it has no real connection with this important event. "This work is coupled with the bridge over the Strait of Messina, because they have not yet been shown to be useful - Simin says Damiano, president of Legambiente Lombardia - In fact, beyond statements propaganda, there is no reliable estimate on traffic flows that will use it, considering the competition from the nearby A4 motorway widened to four lanes. "
Brebemi In this perspective, the risk of being in perpetual deficit because it could account for only part of the flow of traffic from the A4, while the bulk, is in Palazzolo - Milan, hardly moves on Brebemi, since the fourth lane between Milan and Bergamo has much improved passing ability. But it continues to be removed, the real problem: the crossing of Milan. The highway north is increasingly clogged, and the time involved in this short stretch beyond an hour. It would be more rational point on the Varese foothills Bergamo to decongest the area north of Milan by preventing the forced passage from the capital to direct traffic flow to Varese and Brianza.
"Project financing of Brebemi is based exclusively on public guarantees - Dario Balotta notes, an expert on transport Legambiente - With the few resources available for public rather than chasing dreams would be extremely expensive to focus on priority quadrupling rail Treviglio-Brescia-Verona."
The serious TARE project also is the lack of a true environmental impact assessment, against some very serious damage and that will bring Brebemi to agricultural land and parks.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Traverse Rod, Columbus Oh

Video On Bergamo and on Sky channel 931 tonight at 21:30
VideoBergamo live on Sky Channel 931 and on the center-
: what "wrong"?
studio guests:
Zapperi Cesare, director of Bergamonews
Aldo Cristadoro, researcher Ipsos
Marcello Saponaro, the Lombardy Regional Council
leads: Eliana
tel: 035 21 58 79
Watch Previously the channel on Youtube
Writing for the preparation
Monday, June 15, 2009
Invitation Wording For Retirement Party
Sunday morning, around 9:30, there was an explosion inside 's Idroclean Street Industry, in Casirate d'Adda, a' company specializes in the recovery of waste water. The explosion was due to mixing between oxygen and methane formed in a clean ecological consists of a tank with a capacity of thousand cubic meters, which works to oxygen, which is combined with a gas burner. The force of the blast broke windows and other equipment inside the company as well as slabs of concrete that protects the tank . The explosion has alarmed many residents of Casirate, referring to the recent past when the company for many years, harassment and problems caused to the citizens. Many of these problems seemed to be resolved but the severity of this incident, which could have serious consequences back to the center of the state security system and of the management system. We know that is willing Idroclean a chiedere un forte ampliamento dell’attuale sito produttivo . Avevamo espresso a tal riguardo forti perplessità sia per la posizione dell’impianto a ridosso di altre unità produttive oltre che del paese stesso di Casirate , ed anche per la pericolosità ed il forte impatto ambientale delle attività dell’azienda . Queste criticità sembrano purtroppo esser confermate da questo incidente , che per fortunata causalità , non sembra aver causato danni alla popolazione ed al territorio .
Senza creare allarmismi , riteniamo che si debbano innanzitutto verificare appieno le caratteristiche di sicurezza dell’impianto ed il loro pieno rispetto during operation and maintenance, and provide for a transparent investigation to bring insights into the causes of the accident.
As to the request for extension, if it were made official, we are opposed in the manner and in the appropriate forums.
The President of the Club: Arturo Giudicatti
For Regional Directors: Patrick DolciniThursday, June 4, 2009
How Much Does A Victorinox Watch Cost?
The final phase of Enrico Pisoni, the Greens candidate for the province of Bergamo in the college of Treviglio-Castel Rozzone-election before the silence.
Drinking tap water is cheap, convenient and environmentally friendly: it costs less than bottled water, do not have to carry heavy packs in the house and is less polluting, both in terms of use bottles of plastic / glass, both in terms of transport of water, which often travel by road. But if we are the largest consumers of bottled water in Europe is because tap water does not seem secure enough. Translated into scientific terms, it means investigating the drinking water and water quality. In the case of Treviglio, in light of recent issues on hexavalent chromium, these questions are even more relevant, but need to be addressed in a serious and scientific, unbiased party.
The first point to consider is the quality of drinking water. The Italian law defines water as drinking water when the total chromium (including chromium) concentration was less than 50 micrograms per liter, we are in Treviglio to 25 micrograms / liter, but hexavalent chromium. The other reference standard, which is the only specifically relating to hexavalent chromium, however, refers to the reclamation and laying down to 5 micrograms per liter limit beyond which action is needed.
So, on balance, the water is Treviglio drinking because it respects the values \u200b\u200bprovided by law.
But we are sure that these values \u200b\u200bwill ensure the water quality?
Here is the second point to consider. To be able to investigate this aspect, Legambiente and a delegation of local administrators and representatives of civil society - including by me - was the European parliament for clarification on the case, Mrs Monica Frassoni, leader of the European Greens. From her we got that interpellation is submitted to the Environment Commission of the European Parliament to ask if it considers that Italy fully complies with the obligation of health protection requirements of European Directive 98/83. This request is become even more important in the face of the results of a recent U.S. study on the carcinogenicity of hexavalent chromium. Ultimately
Treviglio water can be drunk, because drinking water, but at the same time is not of particular quality, coming from an aquifer contaminated by chromium.
The situation, however, is now unlocked: a few weeks ago the region (after repeated requests from the town of Treviglio) has authorized the municipality itself to deepen wells citizens. This will allow to reach an aquifer is not contaminated, and then to extract drinking water quality. As a Councilor I will endeavor to ensure that there are serious and timely manner so that the timing authorization and implementation of such operations are possible. And to ensure that environmental issues are addressed with the necessary scientific.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
An Aluminum Rod From A Heat Source Entropy
Sustainable mobility: namely the possibility of having a transportation system which, while allowing each to move, not serious on society in terms of pollution, congestion , accidents. Is this possible and we see it realized in many parts of Europe. And us?
If it is true that in the Po valley, on average, 20 million people travel 20 km per day (using mainly his own car) and we have more in Northern Italy di un’auto ogni 2 abitanti (Dossier WWF, 2007), capiamo come il problema della mobilità sia da affrontare in maniera decisa, per promuovere mezzi di trasporto più ecologici.
In quest’ottica gli interventi che la Provincia può sviluppare sono numerosi. Può puntare con maggiore forza sui servizi di Mobility manager, cioè aiutare le imprese nella redazione dei piani degli spostamenti casa-lavoro dei propri dipendenti. Può incentivare le pratiche di car sharing, cioè la possibilità di affittare un’auto solo per il tempo che ti serve. E molto altro ancora.
Ma prima di questi interventi più “avanzati”, la Provincia deve cominciare a sostenere le persone che si trovano a dover lottare rights to much more basic: to move by train to study and work. On December 15, 2008
commuters have managed to stop the train to Bergamo, which had been abolished the previous week with the entry into force of the new zones. The problem was related to the fact that the West stop Treviglio was excluded from the new service contract between the Region of Lombardy and Trenitalia.In this way, students and workers were in fact without a train in the time slot and protected in practice there ' was no possibility of arriving at Bergamo by 8.00 am. In this context it is clear that we must keep up our guard and push for the region continues to fund the commuter Bergamo.
again (as reported by the Regional Council Marcello Saponaro on his blog) Trenitalia had asked the Lombardy Region of € 20 million more for a new service Bergamo - Treviglio other trains that needed to serve the three new stations Arcene, Lift and Stezzano . Even this intervention by the region in coming. To work towards a sustainable mobility, we must first promote the use of the train. Personally, I will try to spend the provincial council to support initiatives that can lead eventually to a decent service for commuters Bergamaschi. And to encourage alternative modes of transport to the car.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Model Number Hb-p90d23al-dj
Communiqué on the former quarry Legambiente Vaillancourt
In the coming weeks will be aired and now yet another summer hit on the traditional project of transforming the former quarry area Vaillancourt, Via Palazzo a Treviglio, in a landfill.
After over a dozen projects, all more or less varied and shipwrecked, Friday, May 22, the company Te.Am, proposing "new landfill project, explained the project to the Board and representatives of the Council for Environment, Commission Landscape and Urban Planning Commission of Treviglio, as well as representatives of the Municipalities of Casirate and Calverley, directly involved in the project.
project, however, that "new" has little. In practice it is the updated edition of the previous project on a landfill site Category 2 B, which should be addressed, however, only the assignment of asbestos cement. The only variation is a reduction in the volume of contribution is reduced to the still considerable amount of 390,000 cubic meters, resulting in a lower "hill" that would arise out of the landfill by about 6 meters.
Compared to the past, are all the other critical issues:
- the characterization of the water and hydro-geological aspects is at least approximately, in fact, previous studies proposing With the same shortcomings and the same methodology
- while making clear that the activity will cover only the injection of cement-asbestos, you ask permission for a landfill class B 2, then taking the door open to a possible contribution other types of industrial waste
- is not clear that the inclusion of landfill in the PRAL, the regional plan for the disposal of asbestos cement. This plan, however, estimates that just over 440,000 cubic meters of waste disposal and the regional requirement, therefore, be found, however irrationally in the face of a landfill in a regional context, with the consequences of such roadway as well that various
impact on our territory - is not all about if not assessed the impact in relation to the presence of Brebemi yard, on a Set. This route is the same as for access to the landfill
- does not consider the appropriateness of the project with urban development indicated by the guidelines of the PGT, which provides an area for both industrial and residential development and "quality" Given
we have always considered the issue in a non-ideological, but paying due attention both to examine issues more closely related to the project and the aspects of the impact on the framework for the area and together, we can not reach to one conclusion:
- the area of \u200b\u200bthe former Quarry Vail for its fragility, its location and the completed conversion of the surrounding areas is not compatible with a target to use as a landfill, regardless of this particular project or more projects that were presented
We record supports the position taken by the City of Casirate with motivations similar to ours that has a negative opinion
ask the City of Treviglio to express an opinion as clear. The opinion has a lot of Treviglio. The sand, mixed public-private partnerships, the minority shareholder of Te.Am - the company that owns this project - is controlled by the city of Treviglio . So negative indication would have a very significant burden.
There are no spaces and conditions for technical or political mediation. The opinion should be clean.
the same time requested that the City promotes assembly information given to residents, rightly concerned about the current choice.
The President of the Club: Arturo Giudicatti
Coordinator: Patrick Dolcini
Saturday, May 23, 2009
What Do Gays Think Of Women
"L' Italy already and now lives in a reality of intercultural and corollary of this belief is that everything must be placed in strict compliance with the law, necessary guarantee for integration. The plurality has a value. The problem is the way in which cultures and admissions are related, because we grow together in a haphazard and disorderly rabble "(statement of Bishop Mariano Crusade, secretary general of the Italian Episcopal Conference, May 11, 2009).
" To date, one child in 10 is the son of immigrants and it is estimated that in 2050 the immigrants could represent 17 to 20% of the population resident in Italy (ISTAT, 2009).
Italy is and will increasingly multiethnic: is a fact. So we have to choose, even at the local level, how to behave: to manage the phenomenon as a whole or consider just a matter of public policy?
I think we need to manage the immigration / integration and why I like the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing in the provincial council election campaign and in some proposals.
I'd like to establish a Council of Foreign Nationals . The Council, in other provincial realities already exist, could give voice to foreigners, bridging the different political and administrative capacity of immigrants than the rest of the population. That body may formulate opinions and proposals on all matters within the competence of the Provincial Council, with a binding opinion on the proposed budget and expenditure relating to policies for stranieri.Si could also create a working with associations, to promote and enhance the initiatives at the local level awareness raising and intercultural integration. For example, initiatives such as those held in Treviglio, in these days: in the market square, on 23-24 May, there will be a multi-ethnic party and the house Bacchetta, May 23 to 31, will present the exhibition "Imprints - faces and words from rom world. " Such initiatives should be encouraged.
This is the feeling that I intend to lead on immigration issues in the provincial council, overturning the view of immigration as a problem of security and public order. Aware that only by focusing on a vera integrazione tra cittadini italiani e stranieri si può vivere in un territorio più accogliente e sicuro per tutti.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tie Back Shower Curtain

Alle 18.30 Monica Frassoni inconterà citizens at the lowland forests, in Casirate d'Adda, along with environmentalists and green candidate for the next administration and the environmental groups.
to 21 and scheduled a meeting-debate on the Green Economy, with the participation, as well as Monica Frassoni, Prof. Marzio Galeotti, an economist, Enrico Pisoni, and Marcello Saponaro, all 'Auditorimum the Largo Public Library
Sailors Italy Treviglio
info: 349 4363094 or 3464972000
Sunday, May 17, 2009
How Do You Get A Free Cat On Poptropica
So the Catholic people our candidate to the College of Treviglio
The next 6 to 7 June the provincial election will find my name, Enrico Pisoni, as a candidate for councilor for the Green Group in support of the president of the center Cornolti Francis. If you're wondering who he is, you'll probably be interested to keep reading ...
Trevigliese I'm actually new to politics and thus take advantage of the columns of this newspaper to introduce myself, tell my why and explain the issues that I will continue to campaign and in the provincial council.
PRESENTATION. I'm 31 years old, I've always lived in Caravaggio until four years ago, I married and moved to Treviglio. Moreover, from a year Dad. I've always been interested in environmental issues and for that I graduated in Environmental Engineering and Land e, dopo aver ottenuto il dottorato di ricerca, ho iniziato a lavorare come ricercatore all’Università degli Studi di Brescia e ad occuparmi di qualità dell’aria. Sono iscritto da molti anni a Legambiente e sono membro della Consulta per l’ambiente di Treviglio.
MOTIVAZIONI: La mia famiglia mi ha trasmesso l’importanza di interessarsi alla cosa pubblica e di partecipare attivamente alla vita sociale; negli anni ho maturato la convinzione che sia importante impegnarsi in prima persona per le idee in cui si crede. Per questo, quando il gruppo dei Verdi mi ha proposto la candidatura, mi è sembrata una bellissima opportunità per mettere la mia passione per l’ambiente e le mie competenze professionali al servizio the community.
TOPICS: The Greens have signed the program Cornolti Frank and I share the ideas. In particular, my commitment will be addressed in two aspects: the environment and participation. Words for me are not abstract concepts, but aims to be achieved through concrete actions.
environment, namely:
- Sustainable Mobility: enhancing rail transport (trafficking in Treviglio, Bergamo, Arcene stations, Stezzano, Lift), and increase the number of kilometers of bicycle paths;
- energy saving and renewable energy incentives in the field building, rehabilitate public buildings
- waste management: to encourage the reduction of packaging, increase the percentage of the collection.
participation, namely:
- to citizens: promoting opportunities to meet and gather about the problems of land;
- involvement of new citizens, particularly young people and immigrant communities: making associations and representations, considering the parties politics;
- participatory practices: get to the final decision after meeting local people and listened to their reasons.
And now that I know a little 'more ... the choice is yours!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Benefit Georgia Or Dandelion?
in Italy has reached the highest number of inmates in nostra storia repubblicana. Manconi: «Bisogna fermare questo abnorme ricorso alla detenzione».
I numeri, impietosi, non danno adito a equivoci: a oggi sono 62.057 i detenuti nelle carceri italiane a fronte di 43mila posti letto disponibili. Tra slogan, suggestioni galleggianti e condizioni nelle celle sempre più drammatiche, il primo record che il governo Berlusconi ha infranto è quello dell’inumanità.
Ma in pochi sembrano volersene accorgere. Franco Ionta, il responsabile del dipartimento per l’Amministrazione penitenziaria e commissario straordinario per l’Edilizia penitenziaria, nel nuovo piano presentato al governo, ha promosso l’idea delle carceri galleggianti.
Un rispolvero della "Solution" jail ", this finding classic tradition like slave (the use of a boat with men made rowing)," says Luigi Manconi associate professor of sociology of political phenomena, former president of the Greens and now in the Democratic Party, "which is an evocation of a past certainly not exciting in the history of slavery. "
solution "typical of this government, particularly Silvio Berlusconi thinks that Italy is a great movie set where there is the real life but only the reality," says Sergio D'Elia, a former first-line , elected with the Rose in the Fist in the previous legislature.
Un non-luogo, dove gli slogan prendono il posto dei drammi e la realtà fenomenica non c’è più. «Ora vengono fuori con questa proposta fantasmagorica - dice D’Elia - perché hanno preso atto che costruire carceri sulla terraferma si rivelato impraticabile». Per costruire un penitenziario infatti, «ci vogliono in media 14 anni. Ma, purtroppo, in Italia anche l’opposizione è prigioniera dei messaggi fintamente rassicuranti».
«L’aumento dei carcerati», denuncia Franco Corleone, garante dei detenuti di Firenze, «è causato soprattutto dalla legge sull’immigrazione e da quella sulle droghe». La chiave di volta è (rectius: sarebbe), dunque, diminuire lo spasmodic use of detention. But the plan Ionta, by contrast, provides for 46 new pavilions and 9 institutions within two years.
without neither, however, 980 million euro and the funds to hire 8,000 new prison guards. The strategy of "all in" replies the president of the national conference of voluntary justice, Elizabeth Lagana: "Increasing the places prisoners in prisons increases, not decreases crime. Alternative measures are much more effective: 70 percent of those who serve their sentence in prison returns to crime, while 80 percent of those who serve their sentences with alternative forms is making no further offenses. "
A cultural change that, however, not even glimpsed. "We need to decriminalize and decarcerizzare. Instead he does the opposite "says Mancini. "If we think that between 30 and 40 percent of those who, in a year who enter prison are there only three days, then we must ponder the total uselessness of the prison scandal. Quest'abnorme use of detention must be stopped: it is a folly. " In the land of reality, even for the cure of madness there is not much place.
Valerie Ceva Grimaldi
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Canadian Lipoma Removal Clinics
by Marcello Saponaro
This morning I presented with Lele Court in the Greens list for the next provincial Bergamo.Pur avendoci dedicato molto meno tempo di quanto fatto per la lista in CITTA' è venuta bene... :-)Ci sono i Verdi che hanno governato in Città e in Provincia in questi anni (Amorino, Provenzi, Bertoli). Ci sono gli ambientalisti, i conoscitori e gli amanti della montagna (Antonio Galizzi, Roberto Carrara, Carlo Filisetti, Giorgio Comi, Simone Lorandi). Ci sono tanti giovani (Marilisa Cometti, Luigi La Delfa, Stefania Vitello, Enrico Pisoni, Massimiliano Barraco). E c'è Walter Bazzano che con il suo curriculum potrebe riempire qualche nota di Facebook... :-)
1 Simone LORANDI, nato a Trescore Balneario il 10/03/1973, collegio di ALBINO
2 Roberto BERTOLI, nato in Bergamo on 04/07/1949, college ALME '
BAZZANO 3 Walter, born in Pavia on 16/09/1949, college ALZANO LOMBARDO
4 Roberto Bertoli, born in Bergamo on 04/07/1949, College of BERGAMO 1 5
BAZZANO Walter, born in Pavia on 16/09/1949, college BERGAMO 2
6 Fausto cupids, born in the Capizzone 23/07/1957, college BERGAMO 3
7 Fausto cupids Capizzone born in the 23 / 07/1957, College of BERGAMO 4
8 Fausto cupids, born in the Capizzone 23/07/1957, college BERGAMO 5
COMI 9 George, born in Bergamo on 31/7/52, College of BONATE ABOVE
10 George COMI Born in Bergamo on 31/7/52, College of BREMBATE ABOVE THE DELF
Louis 11, born in Ludwigsburg (Germany) on 06/05/1975, college football
Galizzi Antonio 12, born in Bergamo on 29/01/1970, college CALUSCO
D'ADDA 13 VEAL Stefania, born in Genoa on 26/10/1979, college CAPRIATE
14 THE DELF Louis, born in Ludwigsburg (Germany) 06/05/1975, college CARAVAGGIO
Roberto Carrara 15, born in Costa Volpino on 06/02/1948, college CASTLES Caleppi
16 Filisetti Charles, born in the Clusone 16/11/1963, College of CLUSONE
17 Stefania CALF, born in Genoa on 26/10/1979, College of Cologno al Serio
Roberto Carrara 18, born in Costa Volpino on 06/02/1948, college COSTA VOLPINO
Giuliana 19 PROVENCE, born in the Urgnano 14/01/61, college DALMINE
20 Walter BAZZANO, nato a Pavia il 16/09/1949, collegio di GANDINO
21 Luigi LA DELFA, nato a Ludwigsburg (Germania) il 06/05/1975, collegio di GRUMELLO DEL MONTE
22 Antonio GALIZZI, nato a Bergamo il 29/01/1970, collegio di MARTINENGO
23 Marcello SAPONARO, nato a Milano il 12/07/70, collegio di OSIO SOTTO
24 Giorgio COMI, nato a Bergamo il 31/07/52, collegio di PONTE SAN PIETRO
25 Marilisa COMETTI, nata a Romano di Lombardia il 21/09/80, collegio di ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA
26 Marcello SAPONARO, nato a Milano il 12/07/70, collegio di SAN PELLEGRINO TERME
27 Simone LORANDI, nato a Trescore Balneario il 10/03/1973, collegio di SCANZOROSCIATE
28 Roberto BERTOLI, nato a Bergamo il 04/07/1949, collegio di SERIATE
29 Massimiliano BARRACO, nato a Bergamo il 29/09/1974, collegio di SORISOLE
30 Roberto CARRARA, nato a Costa Volpino il 06/02/1948, collegio di SOVERE
31 Giuliana PROVENZI, nata a Urgnano il 14/01/61, collegio di STEZZANO
32 Vitello STEFANIA, nata Genova il 26/10/1979, collegio di TRESCORE BALNEARIO
33 Enrico PISONI, nato a Treviglio il 27/06/1977, collegio di TREVIGLIO
34 Giuliana PROVENZI, nata a Urgnano il 14/01/61, collegio di URGNANO
35 Carlo FILISETTI, nato a Clusone il 16/11/1963, collegio di VERTOVA
36 Simone LORANDI, nato a Trescore Balneario il 10/03/1973, collegio di ZOGNO
E ora buona campagna elettorale a tutti noi. Con Bruni e con Cornolti!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Building A Indoor Playhouse
Finalmente si è sbloccata la vicenda riguardante l’approfondimento dei pozzi cittadini ; dalla sede staccata della Regione , di Bergamo è arrivata l’autorizzazione a procedere , ed ora spetta a Cogeide dar il via ai lavori. La nostra campagna e le nostre azioni , unitamente all’impegno concreto ed apprezzato del Comune di Treviglio, stanno a quanto pare portando ai primi risultati . Chiaramente ci attendiamo che ora Cogeide proceda speditamente per quanto riguarda le misure di “messa in sicurezza” dei pozzi e dell’acquedotto cittadino. L’ulteriore apertura annunciata di due nuovi pozzi , inoltre , dovrebbe portare to a significant improvement in water quality town. Again, monitor because there are too long in both phases of construction authorization.
Given this, it is still the demand and the need to reopen the drainage, much of this burden in the region, which also required by the City, as well as by our association. As
down, the values \u200b\u200bof chromium VI in groundwater decreases much more slowly than expected and the wells that have the highest values \u200b\u200bare located toward the center of the polluted area. This is a matter totally abnormal. This suggests that some factor has been involved in going uncanny groundwater, or that there is a new source of pollution. In other words we need a new characterization of groundwater and analysis of the situation to determine further action necessary.
As for reassuring advice received by the ASL and the Institute of Health, we are frankly puzzled. Should not be alarmist, but neither do you have to minimize the situation. The American study that led to the clear identification of the carcinogen chromium VI even if swallowed, is leading to a revision of the limits of chromium VI in the water for human use worldwide. The new concentrations are not known and the new limits will come in a few years. Given this situazione non appare logico fare riferimento alle alte concentrazioni di Cromo VI usate sui ratti da laboratorio durante le fasi dello studio americano , per rassicurare i cittadini trevigliesi . L’uso di alte concentrazioni durante gli studi tossicologici fa parte della normale prassi . Si conducono studi su periodi relativamente brevi e per simulare l’effetto che avrebbe sull’uomo l’ingestione in decenni di un’agente cancerogeno , si usano appunto alte concentrazioni. Successivamente a fronte dei risultati si individuano i limiti di tolleranza. Vale quindi il principio di massima precauzione. Se non si conoscono i nuovi limiti , si agisce , come correttamente e finalmente si sta facendo da parte del Comune , per eliminare ogni fattore di rischio.
La situazione con i nuovi interventi messi in cantiere , è sotto controllo . Va riportata alla normalità , completando le fasi di bonifica . E la Regione non può sottrarsi a questa responsabilità.
dal circolo di legambiente bassa bergamasca
arturo giudicatti
patrizio dolcini
Thursday, May 7, 2009
True Ceramic Pro Straightener

Cave of Bergamo can therefore be summarized as follows:
14 million cubic meters removed from the Regional Councillors in the classroom, with the secret ballot
6 million cubic meters deleted from an Councillor
Court dismissed a manager moved
The dele market cows (Bergamo) was defeated. Now we need a new law to prevent others from future
www.marcellosaponaro.it / blog
Press Legambiente The Tar Lombardy, Brescia section ruled in favor of the environmental groups WWF Italy, Italy Nostra and Legambiente deleting some areas mining results regularly. The Administrative Court ha annullato tutti i nuovi inserimenti nel Piano Cave fatti dal Consiglio Regionale lombardo, in contrasto con la normativa regionale. Sono quindi state eliminate le cave di Pianico, Carobbio degli Angeli, Torre Pallavicina, Boltiere, Antegnate, Ardesio, Onore.Il Piano cave di Bergamo viene ridotto di altri 6 milioni di metri cubi, che si aggiungono ai 14 milioni di metri cubi che già il voto del Consiglio Regionale aveva cancellato.La sentenza del Tar ribadisce che sul Piano Cave di Bergamo si è giocata una partita dove gli interessi del territorio e delle imprese serie operanti nel settore erano stati ignorati.L'ex assessore regionale all'ambiente Marco Pagnoncelli e l'ex Presidente di Commissione Stefano Maullu si sono arrogati competenze tecniche che non due him and were "rejected." The cattle market, this time, was defeated but the risk is that a season of appeals and counter-programming ricorsi.Per serious excavation activities, taking into account the protection the area offers a new regional law for plans quarries. It should say enough horse-trading and bribery that have characterized too much time drawing up the plans Cave, especially in the Province of Bergamo.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
2355 Butalbital Caffeine
Thursday, May 7 18-hour room Upim Ex-Treviglio will
following topics: purpose and structure of the State of Environment Report, urban quality, mobility, air, suolo e bonifiche, acque, rifiuti, energia, biodiversità. Prenotazione degli interventi in sala.
Il rapporto è pubblicato su http://www.comune.treviglio.bg.it/
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Yard Waste Bag Holder
Sinistra e libertà presenta i candidati alle Europee.
Francescato: "Vasta presenza di donne". Frassoni, europarlamentare uscente, candidata al nord ovest .
Tra i candidati anche Staino,la co-presidente del gruppo dei Verdi al Parlamento europeo, Monica Frassoni, il vignettista Sergio Staino, la giornalista del Manifesto Giuliana Sgrena, la pacifista Lisa Clark, il leader del ''partito pirata'' contro il copyright Alex Bottoni, la scrittrice per l'infanzia Bianca Pitzorno are just some of the applications which the Left and Freedom 'has brought in several Italian colleagues for the June elections for the renewal dell'Europarlamento.
The list 'was presented by Claudio Fava Grazia Francescato and along with some outgoing MEPs who will be re-nominated, including just Frassoni in the North West constituency.
Among the candidates as well as environmental, leftist and pacifist stand for civil rights, even those with Imma Battaglia and the mafia, with the mayor of Palma Montechiaro Rosario Gallo.
'There is a piece of country that does not want to settle for the subordinate' to Berlusconi - have been told - that the Democratic Party thinks that the opposition is too weak and needs a force of the left that looks to the future ".
spokeswoman of the Greens Grace Francis noted that the list is' a large number of women engaged in social work:''I do not like the term 'junk' used by Veronica. The tissues are complicit, but most victims of the powerful who use women as bait and switch. It 'a shame that we have gone from equal opportunity' to equal opportunities.''
Fava, Nichi Vendola as candidate, has stressed that the candidates are were chosen with a highly innovative''criterion: minimize the component that comes from the parties to exploit men and women who are engaged in society.
In a press conference the representatives of SL said they were "confident" and "sure" that education policy will go "well beyond the threshold of 4 percent." Nominations for the European "are consistent with the intention with which we want to do politics," was said.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Backyard Sprinkler Fogging System

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How Does A Hospital Treat Ards
Marcello Saponaro, regional adviser of the Greens - Patrick Dolcini, Regional Steering Legambiente
It 'was announced a new toxicological study of the National Toxicology Program of the U.S. government took on the hexavalent chromium through ingestion of contaminated water which highlights activities carcinogenic to the oral cavity and the intestines even after taking water containing high concentrations of hexavalent chromium. The higher the concentration, the higher the chances of contracting cancer. "There are no more spaces for prevarication - says Patrick Dolcini, Regional Environment League - should reopen and complete the reclamation Flap Treviglio, without further controversy in the electoral background and without causing alarm. We have meanwhile called for an urgent meeting of the Council for the Environment in Treviglio, the municipalities concerned have so far proved to be always available and attentive to people's health. It 'important that they continue to urge the Lombardy Region, on the basis of these new data, the release of the reclamation. "The Regional Council of Verdi Marcello Saponaro filed an interpellation in the region which calls for further fund the remediation of groundwater Treviglio and is active against the Government for this to ask EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for an appropriate and updated risk assessment and new maximum acceptable limits of hexavalent chromium in drinking water and groundwater: "The potential risk from intake of water with hexavalent chromium - Saponaro says - can not let anyone rest easy, nor administrators Region Lombardy which has been repeatedly reported the situation of water in Treviglio. It is not clear why the region has ceased to be content of the clean drinking water to levels achieved (25 microgram / liter), despite the Italian legislation (national law relating to land reclamation DM 471/1999 and Decree 152/2006) determines that the remediation has plot the values \u200b\u200bof chromium VI within 5 micrograms. Lombardy instead to invite the Government to remedy these inconsistencies, it continues to be inadequate under legislation on that subject even in the presence of a threat to the health of citizens. "
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Camera Tricks Mirrors
An interesting series of lectures on the crisis ....
28 ° during the University
The Consumer CFL (co-worker families), together with all ' ACU the 28th course of UNIVERSTÀ consumers.
-Thursday, April 16, 2009, 21:00 - causes near and far of the crisis-
Monday, April 20, 2009, 21:00 - Change the economy? cambiamola us. Some suggestions
-Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 21:00 - Citizens and consumers: how to defend rights and portfolio
-Tutor: prof. Andrea Di Stefano, editor of the "Values".
Classes will be held in Treviglio , at the hall of the Confederation farmers (in the backyard of our headquarters).
The meetings are free and open to all citizens
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Need A Wedding Slogan
Monica Frassoni, President of the Greens / EFA the European Parliament, today presented a written question to the European Commission on the reclamation groundwater from Treviglio aqueduct in Lombardy. "The ground has undergone in recent decades, the contamination by various substances. In particular, there has been since 2000 a chromium VI pollution caused by the company of Castelcrom Ciserano." - Says in the question - "With the cessation of production activities of Castelcrom was initiated the reclamation, through dilution of polluted groundwater. Falde that feed the drinking water network of the town of Treviglio. The values \u200b\u200bof chromium VI have been killed so until a concentration of 25 micrograms per liter, a value that the region of Lombardy has considered satisfactory and therefore led to the decision to stop the reclamation work despite legislation (national law relating to land reclamation DM 471/1999 and Decree 152/2006) set a "threshold of contamination" for chromium VI to 5 micrograms / liter.
The European Directive 98/83 on the quality of water intended for human consumption sets limits with respect to some pollutants. Member States shall determine the parameter values \u200b\u200bwhich must then be at least equal to the values \u200b\u200bof the Directive.
For the chromium (III and VI), the legal limit in water drinking water is set by legislative decree 31/2001 of 50 micrograms per liter.
Monica Frassoni has therefore asked the European Commission considers that Italy, given the possibility for Member States to set the contamination levels more stringent than the values \u200b\u200bset in Directive 98/83 and Italy had acknowledged in its legislation on the remediation of chromium VI that a value of 5 micrograms per liter is considered sufficient to implement remediation " not fully comply with the obligation of health protection provided by Directive 98 / '83 while in its national legislation transposing a value, albeit in line with those set at the European level, beyond what is considered in other legislation such as the threshold level of contamination.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Dune Buggy For Sale In Canada
For the first time the delegation that went to Brussels from Treviglio brought the matter before the European Union of hexavalent chromium in the water of Treviglio and inconsistencies in the Italian legislation. "Back from Brussels - says the director of the Green Marcello Saponaro - aware that it will not be a quick battle, but confident for the final outcome. Stubbornly go ahead both in Milan and Brussels will not be guaranteed until the public health. "
currently in Treviglio the concentration is 25 micrograms per liter in groundwater. Too many reclamation in accordance with the Law on imposing a cap of 5, reasonable for the Lombardy Region, which rejected several times, the demand of administrators to clean up the area, whereas the law puts a ceiling of just over drinking una concentrazione pari o superiore a 50 microgrammi per litro. “La Regione Lombardia – prosegue Saponaro - ha smesso di bonificare le falde una volta raggiunta la concentrazione di 25 microgrammi/litro, ritenuta dalla regione soddisfacente, nonostante la normativa italiana (legge nazionale in materia di bonifiche DM 471/1999 e D.Lgs 152/2006) stabilisca che la bonifica deve riportare i valori di cromo VI entro i 5 microgrammi/Litro. Per quale motivo la Regione ha interrotto la bonifica?”. “Inoltre – aggiunge Patrizio Dolcini, del direttivo di Legambiente Lombardia – L’asl nel 2004 aveva rassicurato dicendo che la concentrazione sarebbe andata diminuendo per effetto di diluizione che avrebbe causato un rientro naturale, while today in the two wells can be reached levels of 30 micrograms liter. "It 's true - Dolcini continues - that when the European standard of drinking water (50 microgram per liter) are respected, but it is ironic that Italy has transposed into its legislation that limit the Community (through the Legislative Decree 31/2001) referred to as the reference ceiling, without reducing it in congruence with that of groundwater, even 10 times lower. The principle of subsidiarity in Italy is ignored at will: the spirit of European standards is to ensure that countries adopt more stringent limits of the possible contamination with the Directive. The important thing is that If you do like atrazine, which is that to be in good standing without all efforts raise the limits. Pace of public health. " After explaining the situation to the leader of the Greens-EFA Monica Frassoni, a small delegation composed by Patrick Joseph Dolcini and Didu (City Councillor with responsibility for environment Casirate) was received from Axel Singenhof, an expert on environmental issues the Environment Committee, which collected the data on the Treviglio and has initiated a search of case law. Monica Frassoni has tabled a question to the European Commission highlights the inconsistency between the two standards (remediation and drinking): "How is it possible that the limit of reclamation is 5 micrograms per liter and that instead of drinking water is 50? The European reference should not be mistaken for an invitation to member states to do the worst possible: if Italy decided to make a 5 micrograms / liter the goal of reclamation is not possible then that 50 to face strong it is potable. We believe that doing so does not fully comply with the obligation to protect the health provisions of Directive 98/83 and to this question, the European Commission, a body "guardian" of the laws and compliance with EU directives. " A similar question was announced by Saponaro al Presidente di Regione Lombardia Roberto Formigoni
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hiv Test After 3 Months
And 'one of the traditional dishes of the Valtellina, which was always cooked when you kill CIUN, the pig. All parts of the pig were not used in the preparation of the meats were cooked in a pot with the addition of barley and vegetables. The ribollita dumega was consumed and the days that followed, making it more tasty.
Actually dumega is a local grain a bit 'different barley, beans with a little' longer, but today you can prepare a good soup even with regular pearl barley.

400 grams of barley 2 large carrots
2 potatoes 1 onion 2 stalks of celery
rind and pig feet and / or bacon, diced beef broth
100 g butter 50 g of Bitto cheese and 0.25 of the laurel
cream, sage
Preparation: Keep
barley to soak overnight. Dice the vegetables and slice the onion. In a separate pan cook the pork and cut into smaller pieces. Melt the butter in a pan with the bacon, add the vegetables and then drained and dried barley and toast, add the broth and spices, and cook over low heat for a couple of hours. Half an hour before the end add the pork. Finally add the cream and Bitto cheese, mix well and serve.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Logitech Usb Eyetoy Camera

Day a little different than usual today at Palu: freezing cold and sun. I did not really want to ski but I want to do something different. Placed by the master of my 73 children CAI decide to make a trip to the lake Palu: I brought the camera, and I remember an old house with frescoes on the facade. Missing from my collection of rustic rooms.

Obviously access to the refuge Palu is possible only on foot or cross-country skiing, but I never stop in front of a ban? Down ... the lake is frozen and the view is worth the small trek with skis on his shoulder that makes me remember old times.

I stop at the shelter long enough to drink a hot chocolate, a bit 'worried about the fact that I could not see the path that leads to fine St. Joseph, a track for jeeps or snowmobiles. Who have not beaten this year? But the lady is very kind: it shows me a house, where I thought it was ten meters before the entrance, where you can go downhill.

And now who can stop me? I climb on skis to the stone hut where there is the entrance to the trail, I stopped a moment to enjoy the silence, the snow on Gembro. How much snow this year!

I love these tracks five feet wide, much more than highways FIS homologated with all the snow fired. I get down to small curves, but rather a snowplow, careful not to pick up speed. Crossing two ladies that go with the skins and fly to San Jose happiness and satisfaction. I get a little 'legs hurt. They are no longer used to be ... in all directions.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cleaning Instructions With Clp
wonderful day Friday, January 30 at Palu. Few people, lots of snow.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Soy Milk (cd) Meaning

University of Calabria, Memorial Day for art photography
"See Other"
On the basis of a careful viewing of the material submitted, the Scientific Committee of "See Other" information on how, when and where the review.
Appointments are three.
The first meeting is Jan. 26, at 18:30, Little Theatre in the University of Calabria. The photographs will be shown - in digital format - music video in an installation of Ivan Morris, a professor at the Conservatory of Cosenza Giacomantonio. The title of the work is called "Postcards Ferramonti. See the Other." In fact Tonino Sicoli and George Reda will hold a presentation.
The second date is January 27, at 9:00 am in the Aula Magna of the University of Calabria. The photos, combined in a digital video presentation by Federica Piraino, will be shown throughout the conference "Touching, seeing, hearing: understanding the Other." At the same will be distributed free of charge a limited edition CD, containing the same presentation and photos, grouped in folders for each author.
The third date is January 28, 10:00 am, at the concentration camp at Ferramonti Tarsia. The photographs, again in video projection, will be displayed in a separate room, where they will remain in the following days. For all subsequent visits, individual or group may make arrangements with authors or with Damien Francis Panebianco Vuono, the managers of the camp. Meanwhile
The Scientific Committee will choose three photos - not more than three and a stress only, as per contract. A Ferramonti will hold a ceremony presided over by Anna Foa and tones strictly informal. Following the three selected will be discovered and then permanently in the museum's heritage.
The Scientific Committee
Paul Coen, Fabio De Chirico, Francesco Panebianco, Francesca Rota, Tonino Sicoli