Sustainable mobility: namely the possibility of having a transportation system which, while allowing each to move, not serious on society in terms of pollution, congestion , accidents. Is this possible and we see it realized in many parts of Europe. And us?
If it is true that in the Po valley, on average, 20 million people travel 20 km per day (using mainly his own car) and we have more in Northern Italy di un’auto ogni 2 abitanti (Dossier WWF, 2007), capiamo come il problema della mobilità sia da affrontare in maniera decisa, per promuovere mezzi di trasporto più ecologici.
In quest’ottica gli interventi che la Provincia può sviluppare sono numerosi. Può puntare con maggiore forza sui servizi di Mobility manager, cioè aiutare le imprese nella redazione dei piani degli spostamenti casa-lavoro dei propri dipendenti. Può incentivare le pratiche di car sharing, cioè la possibilità di affittare un’auto solo per il tempo che ti serve. E molto altro ancora.
Ma prima di questi interventi più “avanzati”, la Provincia deve cominciare a sostenere le persone che si trovano a dover lottare rights to much more basic: to move by train to study and work. On December 15, 2008
commuters have managed to stop the train to Bergamo, which had been abolished the previous week with the entry into force of the new zones. The problem was related to the fact that the West stop Treviglio was excluded from the new service contract between the Region of Lombardy and Trenitalia.In this way, students and workers were in fact without a train in the time slot and protected in practice there ' was no possibility of arriving at Bergamo by 8.00 am. In this context it is clear that we must keep up our guard and push for the region continues to fund the commuter Bergamo.
again (as reported by the Regional Council Marcello Saponaro on his blog) Trenitalia had asked the Lombardy Region of € 20 million more for a new service Bergamo - Treviglio other trains that needed to serve the three new stations Arcene, Lift and Stezzano . Even this intervention by the region in coming. To work towards a sustainable mobility, we must first promote the use of the train. Personally, I will try to spend the provincial council to support initiatives that can lead eventually to a decent service for commuters Bergamaschi. And to encourage alternative modes of transport to the car.
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