"L' Italy already and now lives in a reality of intercultural and corollary of this belief is that everything must be placed in strict compliance with the law, necessary guarantee for integration. The plurality has a value. The problem is the way in which cultures and admissions are related, because we grow together in a haphazard and disorderly rabble "(statement of Bishop Mariano Crusade, secretary general of the Italian Episcopal Conference, May 11, 2009).
" To date, one child in 10 is the son of immigrants and it is estimated that in 2050 the immigrants could represent 17 to 20% of the population resident in Italy (ISTAT, 2009).
Italy is and will increasingly multiethnic: is a fact. So we have to choose, even at the local level, how to behave: to manage the phenomenon as a whole or consider just a matter of public policy?
I think we need to manage the immigration / integration and why I like the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing in the provincial council election campaign and in some proposals.
I'd like to establish a Council of Foreign Nationals . The Council, in other provincial realities already exist, could give voice to foreigners, bridging the different political and administrative capacity of immigrants than the rest of the population. That body may formulate opinions and proposals on all matters within the competence of the Provincial Council, with a binding opinion on the proposed budget and expenditure relating to policies for stranieri.Si could also create a working with associations, to promote and enhance the initiatives at the local level awareness raising and intercultural integration. For example, initiatives such as those held in Treviglio, in these days: in the market square, on 23-24 May, there will be a multi-ethnic party and the house Bacchetta, May 23 to 31, will present the exhibition "Imprints - faces and words from rom world. " Such initiatives should be encouraged.
This is the feeling that I intend to lead on immigration issues in the provincial council, overturning the view of immigration as a problem of security and public order. Aware that only by focusing on a vera integrazione tra cittadini italiani e stranieri si può vivere in un territorio più accogliente e sicuro per tutti.
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