Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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Chromium Treviglio Treviglio arrives in Europe, Monica Frassoni question to the European Commission

For the first time the delegation that went to Brussels from Treviglio brought the matter before the European Union of hexavalent chromium in the water of Treviglio and inconsistencies in the Italian legislation. "Back from Brussels - says the director of the Green Marcello Saponaro - aware that it will not be a quick battle, but confident for the final outcome. Stubbornly go ahead both in Milan and Brussels will not be guaranteed until the public health. "
currently in Treviglio the concentration is 25 micrograms per liter in groundwater. Too many reclamation in accordance with the Law on imposing a cap of 5, reasonable for the Lombardy Region, which rejected several times, the demand of administrators to clean up the area, whereas the law puts a ceiling of just over drinking una concentrazione pari o superiore a 50 microgrammi per litro. “La Regione Lombardia – prosegue Saponaro - ha smesso di bonificare le falde una volta raggiunta la concentrazione di 25 microgrammi/litro, ritenuta dalla regione soddisfacente, nonostante la normativa italiana (legge nazionale in materia di bonifiche DM 471/1999 e D.Lgs 152/2006) stabilisca che la bonifica deve riportare i valori di cromo VI entro i 5 microgrammi/Litro. Per quale motivo la Regione ha interrotto la bonifica?”. “Inoltre – aggiunge Patrizio Dolcini, del direttivo di Legambiente Lombardia – L’asl nel 2004 aveva rassicurato dicendo che la concentrazione sarebbe andata diminuendo per effetto di diluizione che avrebbe causato un rientro naturale, while today in the two wells can be reached levels of 30 micrograms liter. "It 's true - Dolcini continues - that when the European standard of drinking water (50 microgram per liter) are respected, but it is ironic that Italy has transposed into its legislation that limit the Community (through the Legislative Decree 31/2001) referred to as the reference ceiling, without reducing it in congruence with that of groundwater, even 10 times lower. The principle of subsidiarity in Italy is ignored at will: the spirit of European standards is to ensure that countries adopt more stringent limits of the possible contamination with the Directive. The important thing is that If you do like atrazine, which is that to be in good standing without all efforts raise the limits. Pace of public health. " After explaining the situation to the leader of the Greens-EFA Monica Frassoni, a small delegation composed by Patrick Joseph Dolcini and Didu (City Councillor with responsibility for environment Casirate) was received from Axel Singenhof, an expert on environmental issues the Environment Committee, which collected the data on the Treviglio and has initiated a search of case law. Monica Frassoni has tabled a question to the European Commission highlights the inconsistency between the two standards (remediation and drinking): "How is it possible that the limit of reclamation is 5 micrograms per liter and that instead of drinking water is 50? The European reference should not be mistaken for an invitation to member states to do the worst possible: if Italy decided to make a 5 micrograms / liter the goal of reclamation is not possible then that 50 to face strong it is potable. We believe that doing so does not fully comply with the obligation to protect the health provisions of Directive 98/83 and to this question, the European Commission, a body "guardian" of the laws and compliance with EU directives. " A similar question was announced by Saponaro al Presidente di Regione Lombardia Roberto Formigoni


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