The rock carvings of
Triasso are not known even to the same Sondrio, but on the whole side of the mountain Rolla were discovered several sites with prehistoric findings suggest that lead to the Iron Age settlements along the side of the Valtellina reticulum.
In the town of Sondrio and its immediate vicinity there are in fact five prehistoric sites, all placed in a position overlooking the valley, ie a triangle, at the Church of St. Bartholomew, all'imbiocco Val di Castel Togno and
Grumello . There are mainly of the shells, but close to Triasso there are more complex drawings strongly reminiscent of the engravings of the most famiose Rupe Magna Grosio and those of Vallecamonica.
To visit the engravings of Triasso worth it to leave the car in the square of the village, which lies in a valley sheltered from view just above the village of Sassella, and continue through the vineyards to the west on the road uphill. After about twenty minutes on the right you can see a house and a rustic and isolated shortly after they depart a way that reaches them. Next to the cottage there is a smooth rock on which recognize different camuna praying and a rose. A Sunday stroll exciting.
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