La classica passeggiata dei sondriesi è quella al santuario della Madonna della Sassella. Dal centro cittadino il percorso dura circa un'ora e si snoda in piano lungo la via Valeriana, The old road that ran halfway across the valley.

The route has great historical and cultural values \u200b\u200bas the last part is entirely surrounded by terraced vineyards of Sassella, terracing the joint effort of generations of farmers who carried the earth from valley with the panniers.

According to tradition, the shrine was founded in 932 in response to a request made by Our Lady appeared archpriest of Sondrio. The present building, however, is dated to the fifteenth century and is characterized by an elegant portico and a unique pentagonal tower which can be seen from the highway just before reaching Sondrio. The village has a special charm, with old houses risistrutturate and cobblestones that smacks of yore.

From here you can take the path that goes through the vineyards to reach, in about twenty minutes, the fraction of Triasso, which enjoys spectacular views over the valley and on ' Adda.

not seem to be in the context of the Alps mountains. Even in winter you can walk in shirt and if you pay attention you can find that among the stones of the stone walls are a few examples of succulent plants typical of the Mediterranean flora.
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