The problem with Luke is called: ACHILLEA tendinopathy - a case that afflicts so many runners
Sunday morning, I should be running: a lot of snow that fell in January and February has melted and the temperatures begin to be reasonable, but are stuck at home doing nothing. And they are four months Achilles tendinopathy.
Running is a passion: racing, training. It would only write about this, but the proverbial elephant in the living room , what everybody knows but nobody wants to talk (for fear of gufare), is the reality of injuries. Our injuries, fortunately, are much less evident than those of cyclists, it is hard you end up with a leg casts or less some teeth, but are more common and more subtle.
This chronic disease of the Achilles tendon is not my first accident (and is unlikely to be the last one): A year ago, I pulled back for a year with a knee problem for which it took me six months and a 'cortisone injection to treat. From that experience I learned not to expect (more than one month) before going to a doctor, because the pain in all'achilleo not passed, even grown to unbearable during hot chocolate run in December I decided to go to my doctor and see what to do.
I started with
physiotherapy twice a week, but after two months of stretching and ice packs with no signs of improvement, the doctor decided on a more active way and we have tried to iontophoresis . Through this injection "needle free", an electric field forces the drug, in my case an anti-inflammatory, to pass through the barrier from the skin and reach the tendon looks painful but it is not absolutely, as you feel a creeping where you applied the electrode.
were now three months since I ran the tests and for all solve the damn problem, and it became increasingly clear that this was not an accident but a simple inflammation chronic. As I told my doctor, who specializes in sports medicine (I highly recommend trying to get a sports doctor or a referral from your GP), the Achilles tendon is hard to cure because it is poorly perfused with blood . To meet this "defect" for a while 'for years, is experimenting with a treatment that uses the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. The PRP
years now using it to accelerate post-surgical healing of tissues, especially in plastic and aesthetic surgery, in fact, everything that I have found Italian network in regards cosmetic surgery. English is much more, perhaps because the first experiments and especially the first cases involving professional athletes were made in the United States. In short, the PRP is created by spinning the blood of the patient (so there is no risk of rejection) and separating red blood cells and platelets from white heavier and plasma. This cocktail is injected on the site of the accident and the hope is that the plates contained therein catalyze the body's response and heal the tendon injury. This
very briefly, for my I translated a couple of articles, one published in the New York Times and the other su Scientific American , in cui viene discusso e spiegato ciò che si sa ed a che punto è la sperimentazione. Sebbene sia ancora in fase sperimentale, molti dottori la consigliano poiché spesso l'alternativa è un intervento chirurgico.
Il trattamento PRP non è piacevole: l'iniezione è dolorosa e per almeno due giorni non si ha nemmeno voglia di camminare. Da esperienza personale , questi dolori e soprattutto il zoppicare passano velocemente ma questo non vuol dire che i risultati siano visibili in solo una settimana: la visita di controllo è fissata per fine marzo. Fino ad allora, I have physical therapy twice a week, this half hour is devoted to strengthening and mobility exercises the muscles of the ankle and calf.
is still too early to know if it worked (the medicine is not an exact science): crossing my fingers, even toes, and I pray to be back as soon as possible to train - the one that is harder to accept is feeling of throwing away all that months of strenuous training have created.
Luca Grisa
Sunday, March 13, 2011
What Vest Do Police Officers Wear
13.03.2011, Milano - Trofeo Parco Sempione 23 Miles and OLD
return home prematurely AND WET ..... hopefully .... "LUCKY"
think that this morning I have taken part in a ski mountaineering Trophy Gherardi Foppolo (BG) that just on Saturday I went to see, among other things making me quite a thousand meters in altitude, surely the "ideal" before a race muscularly demanding but as fast as that of the Parco Sempione.
Since, however, that the weather reports have long predicted a rainy weekend I had preserved from enrolling at the Trofeo Parco Sempione, always well organized and the race track that is well suited to my characteristics
So when this morning instead of going in " share "in that I am at the start of Milan ....
Actually at first I was not really at ease without skis under your feet but then the adaptation was spontaneous and the result despite the precarious current condition was not bad, actually to be honest beyond my expectations.
Return to road racing so early but overall positive.
Congratulations to the organizers for having managed one day, made even more challenging weather conditions, in the best way .... but to all the die-hard runners who have not deterred by bad weather and so many at the start ... A
Davide Milesi
I ran for Claudio
in Milan this morning in the beautiful setting of the park and Sempione was held under the rain, the Trophy has seen the Simplon route more than 1000 runners.
Today was a special day there was a reason to run, to remember Claudio Oldrati runner Athletics Lambro missed a few days ago ... was a friend of Claudio, one of the first people I met since I started racing and I was promised that today I ran for him.
As for the race I was hoping to do well and improve my old record 34'26 knowing the path and weather conditions would not have helped, I left the first km then 3'10 6'25 9'47 and then the rate has stabilized and switched to the 5000m 16'45 always around the 20th position with his friend and partner training Samuel Lazarus then we reached the 7km my great friend and colleague Elia Polli probably not in its best day and we proceeded together to 9km is taken when the brawl ... I figured I could do a really long time ... and so with a final 5 km in 3'10 preceded "by Elijah and Samuel 33'48 I did that for me is a result of which they are happy.
front of the race was won by Alessandro Crespi in 31'21 on Ruffoni in 31'30 "and 31'36 in Stefano Casagrande, bravo Mirko 6 ° and 8 ° 32'23 in Zanovello Mirko Rogue engaged in a test ahead of 'imminent marathon in Rome.
In women 1, the talented triathlete Anna Mazzetti in 36'05 "on a young Sara Galimberti in 37'33 and 37'38 veteran Claudia Jasmine.
To note the participation of Maria Teresa Cattaneo Claudio Oldrati wife who raced in 57'07 with most runners Lambro athletics to remember Claudio!
The race was well organized as always pity only for the climate is not the best.
Matteo Old
return home prematurely AND WET ..... hopefully .... "LUCKY"
think that this morning I have taken part in a ski mountaineering Trophy Gherardi Foppolo (BG) that just on Saturday I went to see, among other things making me quite a thousand meters in altitude, surely the "ideal" before a race muscularly demanding but as fast as that of the Parco Sempione.
Since, however, that the weather reports have long predicted a rainy weekend I had preserved from enrolling at the Trofeo Parco Sempione, always well organized and the race track that is well suited to my characteristics
So when this morning instead of going in " share "in that I am at the start of Milan ....
Actually at first I was not really at ease without skis under your feet but then the adaptation was spontaneous and the result despite the precarious current condition was not bad, actually to be honest beyond my expectations.
Return to road racing so early but overall positive.
Congratulations to the organizers for having managed one day, made even more challenging weather conditions, in the best way .... but to all the die-hard runners who have not deterred by bad weather and so many at the start ... A
Davide Milesi
I ran for Claudio
in Milan this morning in the beautiful setting of the park and Sempione was held under the rain, the Trophy has seen the Simplon route more than 1000 runners.
Today was a special day there was a reason to run, to remember Claudio Oldrati runner Athletics Lambro missed a few days ago ... was a friend of Claudio, one of the first people I met since I started racing and I was promised that today I ran for him.
As for the race I was hoping to do well and improve my old record 34'26 knowing the path and weather conditions would not have helped, I left the first km then 3'10 6'25 9'47 and then the rate has stabilized and switched to the 5000m 16'45 always around the 20th position with his friend and partner training Samuel Lazarus then we reached the 7km my great friend and colleague Elia Polli probably not in its best day and we proceeded together to 9km is taken when the brawl ... I figured I could do a really long time ... and so with a final 5 km in 3'10 preceded "by Elijah and Samuel 33'48 I did that for me is a result of which they are happy.
front of the race was won by Alessandro Crespi in 31'21 on Ruffoni in 31'30 "and 31'36 in Stefano Casagrande, bravo Mirko 6 ° and 8 ° 32'23 in Zanovello Mirko Rogue engaged in a test ahead of 'imminent marathon in Rome.
In women 1, the talented triathlete Anna Mazzetti in 36'05 "on a young Sara Galimberti in 37'33 and 37'38 veteran Claudia Jasmine.
To note the participation of Maria Teresa Cattaneo Claudio Oldrati wife who raced in 57'07 with most runners Lambro athletics to remember Claudio!
The race was well organized as always pity only for the climate is not the best.
Matteo Old
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13.03.2011, Milan - 23 ° Trofeo Parco Sempione - photos and news
weather forecast is not more wrong today doveva piovere ed è piovuto. Ciò nonostante in oltre 1000 si sono presentati al nastro di partenza per la galoppata di 10km all’interno del Parco Sempione per l'omonimo 23° Trofeo. Vincono questa edizione bagnata: 1.Crespi Merhium (Esercito) 31.21, al femminile Mazzetti Anna Maria (Friesin Team) 36.05 – 2. Ruffoni Alessandro (Pro Patria Milano) 31.30 e Galimberti Sara (Vis Nova Giussano) 37.33 – 3.Casagrande Stefano (U.S. Milanese) 31.36 e Gelsomino Claudia (Atl. Palzola) 37.38 – Il portacolori della mia società Marco Brambilla (Alt.San Marco) si defends the big square 9 th overall and first in class.
photos and comments
BEPPE - 1 album: roundup
Monday's other albums
Monday's other albums
Telegraphic but effective!
Race always difficult Ciovasso then so be it even the rain to aumentare il pathos. Sempre meglio del vento che infestò un paio di edizioni passate. Il percorso per me nuovo è ben disegnato, con un ultimo km molto spettacolare. Pacco gara pieno di pubblicità e aromi artificiali (inclusa la mitica barretta alla mela-tutta-mela-aroma di mela) ma meno male che c'erano oltre 1000 atleti che di artificiale non avevano nulla (speriamo...). Poi se alla pioggia consegue un Capasso in tale abito con cotanto cappello, apritevi saracinesche del cielo, che Formigoni e la Moratti altra soluzione non hanno, alle polveri sottili.
Piuttosto buffoni, nelle prime file, che non volevano tornare indietro anche quando dalla decima in poi si era deciso di arretrare. Tutto il mondo è paese.
Nicola Pellizzari
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Bowling How Much Amf Phoenix
12.03 .11 Busto Arsizio - CARNIVAL ON THE ROAD - Photo
CARNIVAL Busto Arsizio ***
Friday, March 11, 2011
Silvercity Brampton Birthday Packages
Friday 18 to 18:00 Busto Arsizio - "BustoPedala Criticalmass"
AndòCorri ... Cycling!
"It's a simple appointment of cyclists who accidentally find themselves all along the same road, maybe slowly ... maybe in the middle of the road ... in a usually busy street ... at rush hour ...
More than one event and 'the real and practical demonstration of how another city can be beautiful and fun.
is every cyclist's: Mother's Day with the chair, the techno-freakettone metropolitan road racer with the most special pedals and a quick release of BMX stunt-biker, Elder in "Graziella", the poet-cycle- situation, with the postman's bag and even a unicycle juggling ...
it does not have 'leaders do' owners, not 'none of brand and not 'protected by any kind of copyright.
Is it a coincidence organized a celebration of the bicycle.
visible without organization, without banners or established paths you are on a fixed day of the week and in a place decided to ride together. From there we start, anyone can choose to lead the group improvising a route, if you chat with others or whistling solo. We can discuss the appointment, you can vary the times or invent impromptu critical mass. You do not need any permission, the right to mobility provides the opportunity for everyone to move around the bike. "
Hello, Barbara Gazzi
marks the date - Next meeting: Friday, March 18 18:00 we are in the square of Post Office, via Dante, Busto Arsizio.
*** Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mastercard Car Rental Insurance
09.03. '11 LONDON - 40 ° Stramilano - Press Conference - Photo ... and remember.
was held this morning in Milan, Palazzo Marino, the press conference to present the 40th edition (1972-2011) of Stramilano. Speakers
exception of the most popular sporting events milanesi il presidente della regione Lombardia Roberto Formigoni, il Sindaco di Milano Letizia Moratti, gli assessori allo Sport di Provincia e Comune Cristina Stancari e Alan Rizzi e il “laico” mitico Camillo Onesti Presidente della Stramilano ed “inventore” di questa corsa che ogni anno vede la partecipazione di decine di migliaia di podisti veri o improvvisati. Parterre d’eccezione per questa conferenza rappresentanti dell’esercito e della Croce Rossa ed un innumerevole stuolo di fotografi, video-operatori e rappresentati della stampa specializzata.
La Stramilano si correrà il domenica 27 marzo è sarà articolata in tre gare: la popolare of fifty thousand, which will start from Piazza Duomo for the Civic Arena after reaching a distance of 10km. This will be followed for the children Stramilanina with a run of 5km, and finally, at 10.45, depart from Piazza Castello with the Half Marathon racing always arrive at the Arena.
The degree of participation of the first Stramilano race March 14, 1972>>>
IO and Stramilano ... 1>>> - 2>>>
was held this morning in Milan, Palazzo Marino, the press conference to present the 40th edition (1972-2011) of Stramilano. Speakers
exception of the most popular sporting events milanesi il presidente della regione Lombardia Roberto Formigoni, il Sindaco di Milano Letizia Moratti, gli assessori allo Sport di Provincia e Comune Cristina Stancari e Alan Rizzi e il “laico” mitico Camillo Onesti Presidente della Stramilano ed “inventore” di questa corsa che ogni anno vede la partecipazione di decine di migliaia di podisti veri o improvvisati. Parterre d’eccezione per questa conferenza rappresentanti dell’esercito e della Croce Rossa ed un innumerevole stuolo di fotografi, video-operatori e rappresentati della stampa specializzata.
La Stramilano si correrà il domenica 27 marzo è sarà articolata in tre gare: la popolare of fifty thousand, which will start from Piazza Duomo for the Civic Arena after reaching a distance of 10km. This will be followed for the children Stramilanina with a run of 5km, and finally, at 10.45, depart from Piazza Castello with the Half Marathon racing always arrive at the Arena.
The degree of participation of the first Stramilano race March 14, 1972>>>
IO and Stramilano ... 1>>> - 2>>>
Can A Bulging Cause Dizziness
06.03. '11 Barcelona - Barcelona marathon - "Ossona International
Ossona there! Even in Barcelona's famous banner the Via Baracca stands a few meters from the start of the marathon. This time, however, does not move, does not travel a few hundred meters to handle it because we are two friends who, due to injury, although members were unable to run. For several years my relationship with the marathon is difficult, I have a hostile attitude towards her, are like a student who "could give more ", but does not apply. Do not study, I prepare the Bignami, cheatsheet on, I trust in my" basic training "and experience and introduce myself calm consideration (knowing he had nothing to lose) but with the knowing that he must suffer for the sufficiency (which quantifies in 4 hours). I did not want to register for this examination of English, I was convinced his team-mates, has convinced me the memory of other postings in a group, all wonderful experiences.
So I am for the 17th time at the start, in a fantastic setting, along with other 15 thousand runners from all over the world. It starts in a frenzy of music, color, water games, a crowd of contour, it takes me almost 10 minutes to start the real time, I see the balloons in the distance 4 o'clock, I'll sudarmela sufficiency. Aware of my limitations I face the first question (the first 10k) taken time, slowly, the rate of 5.30 saves me energy and allows me to reconnect balloons.
After the first meeting Sara, and refreshment Luciano, working in groups is useful for the exam. Helping, speaking, overcome with the second question (the 21k) just under two hours, it starts getting hot, the road is rarely flat, roadways are not large, there is elbow to elbow, the balloons are our shoulders. Refreshments are positioned pretty bad, often in places where the road is narrow, and servants, according in front of the tables give the bottles of water, create additional space. So I lose 25k in the confusion of my fellow students, I have to deal with the tricky third question (the 30k) alone. The super, but they start the failures, that is, people walking accusing physical problems, ambulances appear first, someone is rescued lifeless on the roadside. It 's the time when I wonder if this is normal, whether it is right to get hurt at this point is the moment when I think of my friends with the banner that would give anything to be in my position, people who in a difficult period of life are a cause for satisfaction in travel and leisure: these thoughts force me to continue. Missing less than 10k and I'm running more or less the initial rhythm, the fourth question seems easily resolved, the arrival is fast approaching when it comes inexorably memory lapse, your legs start to raze the ground, set the pace at the moment where the slope rises. At 500 meters from the line Here comes again the banner "Ossona there," I can smile, to pretend that everything is under control while in me nothing is in order, primarily the stomach. For a minute and a half to catch enough, but that effort!
Conclusion: a good race course with many ups and downs, not completely isolated from traffic, very good relationship with motorists, roads not designed to house 15 000 athletes, so warmly by the public, refreshments misplaced and rather poor area, departure and arrival very choreographed, well proportioned and functional, beautiful medal.
Ossona In 2012 there will be some other international marathon, I'll probably ... as well.
Michele Romanini
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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06.03.2011 Stresa - Lago Maggiore Half Marathon - like being on a trip ...
Sunday morning seemed to be on tour: sixty runners gialloneri and infiltrators, who with the lid lowered, some with the adrenaline already a thousand people (like yours truly) with the desire to arrive at your destination to test the efficiency of chemical baths. Lacked only the sandwich con la cotoletta e pareva veramente la quinta elementare.

Il lungolago di Stresa è già gremito di piedi scalpitanti, l’odore di canfora si mischia a quello di salsedine e l’eco di mille parlate si confonde con gli ultimi pensieri ad alta voce. Tutti hanno un obiettivo: il mio è quello di arrivare fino in fondo. Possibilmente in piedi. Sono cosciente di avere pochissimi chilometri nelle gambe, il piccolo infortunio di gennaio e altri impedimenti mi hanno fatto desistere dal provare ad abbassare il mio PB di novembre. Attilio vorrebbe che seguissi lui e il palloncino dell’ora e tre quarti, ma la vocina saggia mi implora di starmene nella mia gabbia e cercare di non farmi superare dalla bombola d’ossigeno of 2 hours and a quarter! I, of course, I leave behind, more than to Baveno towards Arona so much so that I will have two minutes difference between real time and official time. Childbirth at my own pace, surrounded by a band and thousands of other runners. Now is the fourth year that I participate and I know the path. I know that is not as fast and flat as they would like to believe that the crisis will come, sooner or later. More before this time. At the 13th km, but with a bang with pride I can control my head. The kilometers run and I feel good. Nothing out of breath, only femoral aggressive. The road salt every now and then: they call "false floor" but I seemed to own a real climb. Along the path wings cheering crowd and called for jubilation in our name. Oh well, there was a carnival, lots of people were in costume and shouting our name because it was written on the chest! At the 15th meeting km Attilio sore and I regret not being able to exploit it as a rabbit. Continues even though the fatigue began to be felt, but I can (IO!!) To encourage those in need, even if I say to myself, to save the beautiful addavenì breath. Indeed, the upward movement of the last few miles is felt: in the distance I see Fabrizio, a teammate, so I try to make you and me next. We run together for a while, 'Villa Taranto is close now, I know that the last piece is falling and I have to crank it up. It seems easy though! I run a bit 'with another teammate who pushed me to never give up. In the distance I hear the voice of the speaker and I understand that very little is missing. Cutting the line in 1:52 a.m., '1:50 a.m.' Real Time. Almost four minutes less than last year, even though I beat my personal. But I beat my VB: Vacca Executioner if I did it!
I throw up a hurdle to get over, I wait for the arrival of Fabrizio, let us take a picture of a medal bearing and, after a nutritious snack (a glass of tea and biscuit crumbs 7), we start to the bus.
2 km on foot, under the midday sun, uphill. But
incite the last woman arrived was exciting, because that's where we understand that the past would not exist without the former.
Federica Caporali
Trousers Difference Pleat
March 6, 2011 - 4th Belluno-Feltre "Run 30km - photos and news
E 'was a wonderful day in terms of climate, a warm sun has accompanied all participants during the entire journey. Race and 'very challenging, a lot of muscle, with very few flat sections. Up, down, up down ... and then from 23 to 26 km the road salt.
The frame is priceless.
The organization has over 800 athletes to run the 30 km long stretch of road that connects Treviso-Belluno. So many people along the way to encourage, cheer, celebrate runners. Evidently the inconvenience to traffic 'caused by the race did not affect the sporting spirit of Belluno-Treviso. Many cyclists who were followed by encouraging and supporting the runners until the arrival on the walls that bound her town of Feltre.
A good day of healthy sport.
Sofia Scanziani -
1000 Photo
Monday, March 7, 2011
Swollen Feet Days After Air Travel
20 Marzo '11 -Vigevano - Scarpa d’Oro Half Marathon - Quattro Buoni Motivi, anzi Cinque!
Dear friend Golden Shoe Half Marathon ,
not a member yet? Or are you still undecided about doing it?
Then you give us some good reasons: firstly, being able to choose the race. In addition to the now familiar Half Marathon, now in its 5th edition Journal, this year we added two non-competitive: The Golden Boot in Pink (restricted to women aged 13 and over) and the Stracittadina (always open to everyone from 13 years onwards ), both about 5 km. The idea to extend its offer of racing has come especially to allow novice users to gradually approach to the world of running, but also to spend a day together for health, sport and leisure sello.
Still not convinced? So today we show you the official shirts, all designer Jaked. After the great successes in swimming and ice for the first time in history Jaked approaches the world of running: and decided to do it right in the race "at home", as the famous brand was born in Vigevano. For the occasion Jaked signed three types of links: the technical white tank top, which will be in the goody bag of participants in the Half Marathon, the elegant red polo shirts (but also white, blue and black) who will wear the shoes of the ladies' in Rose Gold and finally, the eye-catching black polo supplied to all participants of Stracittadina.
not that enough? And then you also say that in the Half Marathon race pack you will also find a Golden Shoe customized technical sock and signed by Pdx and Green Pea and a coffee can Portmoka, and get together with the pectoral pick up a coupon for a free on-site supplements Sport Ethic.
And to dispel the last doubt, please note that at the end of the three events there will be a great risotto , edited by senior members of the Brotherhood of Risotto with taste ... to end the Golden Boot!
Please also note that expires on Sunday, March 6 deadline to register for the Golden Shoe Half Marathon with the reduced fee, 17 € for members and 22 non-members, which become 20:25 the following day. The registration for the Golden Shoe Half Marathon will close Thursday, March 17 or reach the number set up to chest, while Golden Shoe in Pink and Stracittadina you can register until the morning of the race . To subscribe, go to the site and choose the preferred way. We look forward
March 20!
Dear friends, Manuela has shown you four good reasons to participate in the "Golden Shoe" in Vigevano, I would suggest the Fifth: Have you seen PHOTO Article?! Well .... but where you could see it another LOGO!
How To Get Your Ski Doo To Wheelie
ALBUM 1: Pre-race and departures - ALBUM 2: reaches 1h45ca
* **
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06.03.2011 STRESA - Lago Maggiore Half Marathon - EMOZIONI MERAVIGLIOSE
Yesterday morning at 07.15 we depart from Milan to Lake Maggiore to attend the half marathon race that I really like it because it runs along the lake through the villages bordering on it. Racing there gives me a sense of peace and serenity. Once in Verbania we meet Antonio, Roberto and Elena. Together ferry to Stresa. The emotion is there, the air we breathe. The day was fantastic, clear sky, no wind Temperature (finally mild). Once so I think I guessed clothing: shorts and t-shirt! The same as last year because I did make a nice time! (W superstition!). Arriving in Stresa meet many Martians, kisses, hugs, chatting, laughing, and some pictures are 10.00 viaaaaaa the race starts! Stresa paraded before my eyes in an explosion of music and colors! How exciting, I feel my heart fly!
wrist bracelet with the split port limits, not as I do in Verona that I burned the game in the first 5 km running like I was being chased by a murderess! So Donny 6.50 / 6.55 / km, and woe betide you if t'azzardi to increase the pace and then pay the account by the 15th scrambling to reach the finish line! Elena Villani accidentally runs to my side because we have the same step! His presence gives me security. I met with runners on Mars and find a fantastic person and solar energy. She runs quietly because running makes you feel good. It has no ambitions timekeeping, runs because she likes to run. Then if the result get better. While km run under my feet my Garmin says I'm running at a rate of 6.30 / 6.40 per kilometer. I'm not respecting the pace set but I feel good, my legs are spinning, the lungs are wide open and the heart beats at an appropriate pace! I'm not in trouble so I continue the ride! Caterers to me detention, and drink again! Only at the 12th km I decided to swallow a supplement. Elena moves faster but I decided to hang on to my 6.40 per kilometer not want to risk walking to exhaustion in the last few miles! Now I'm alone I enjoy the panorama of the lake now has beautiful colors, the music on my i-pod gait makes my poetry. How wonderful to be able to afford these feelings. On the 15th the effort begins to be felt because the road seems flat, but in reality it is not at all. My muscles begin to experience the ups and downs. With all my might I try to put my brain into "protection mode" with respect to the negative feelings: hunger, fatigue, fever, pain the sole of his left foot, "walking a couple of minutes away from" what do you want to be when you stop to regain his strength, so do not pay you if you arrive 5 minutes before. " I tell myself that I will never give up, in all my races have always reached the finish line, even in very poor condition but there are always reached. With the stubborn determination of a lioness, I continue my journey more tiring (ahimè!), arranca a lady next to me but not spring, sometimes walking for short distances and then laboriously continues running. I think "great, but suffering goes on" this must be the imperative: go! 18th km my god nooo! The climb that I feared has arrived ... .... Are tired, your quadriceps me cry, "fermatiiiiii" I reply, "but there own! In your opinion do to stop 18 km to 3 km from the 'arrival? I'd be stupid. "
walk a few yards in the meantime I wipe the sweat I drip into my eyes and create burning, last look at the Garmin and is infinite joy in seeing that I'm doing my best time. The climb ends, it is now only down ... ... smell the finish line, part of the PowerSong from my i-pod! I let my legs back up to speed on that fantastic descent. Almost flight! Last 150 meters I see the finish line, I'm reaching ... .. the friends waiting for me: Donny run, run! Run! Run! Here's the bow ... .... I raise my hands to the sky! I've done it this time! My feet, my legs, my heart and my head took me so far! From Stresa Verbania! INCREDIBLE! In 2 hours 21 minutes and 39 seconds! Embrace Dario, Antonio stop these beautiful images! Enrica (the lady who ran the last miles with me) get to the finish line and rejoicing with us! What a wonderful emotion!! A few yards away I put the medal around his neck. It 's beautiful because I sweat and soul!
walk a few yards in the meantime I wipe the sweat I drip into my eyes and create burning, last look at the Garmin and is infinite joy in seeing that I'm doing my best time. The climb ends, it is now only down ... ... smell the finish line, part of the PowerSong from my i-pod! I let my legs back up to speed on that fantastic descent. Almost flight! Last 150 meters I see the finish line, I'm reaching ... .. the friends waiting for me: Donny run, run! Run! Run! Here's the bow ... .... I raise my hands to the sky! I've done it this time! My feet, my legs, my heart and my head took me so far! From Stresa Verbania! INCREDIBLE! In 2 hours 21 minutes and 39 seconds! Embrace Dario, Antonio stop these beautiful images! Enrica (the lady who ran the last miles with me) get to the finish line and rejoicing with us! What a wonderful emotion!! A few yards away I put the medal around his neck. It 's beautiful because I sweat and soul!
Donata Casiraghi
PS. Thank you all for having lived with me these beautiful emotions! May the Lord give us still and always be able to live them and share them!
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06.03.2011 STRESA - Lago Maggiore Half Marathon - IL SOLE ILLUMINA STRESA
Stresa Sun lights up and I'm down there the banner of departure. I feel good physically and I am returning from his half of Verona. I do not plan to do the time, I ran a lot during the week and are a bit 'tired, the path is an up and down in the afternoon and I have the game "father of the school against children" (2 hours pretty tough!). I plan to pull the race as possible in order to make it a major workout for the next half-marathon. As in Verona, however, I realize that most are increasing the miles, less set my pace of the race, they are also distracted by the beautiful landscape that gives me the lake. Mile after mile, I approached the finish line, decided to go one step further and added step by step with my new Personal Best!
The morning was perfect, the journey, the company, the sun, the landscape and ultimately the organization that has' impeccable detected by returning to Stresa by ferry from Verbania point of arrival!
And now the challenge continues with myself. ... To the next!
Alfredo Caramel
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06.03.2011 STRESA - Lago Maggiore Half Marathon - IL MIO BATTESIMO
Today is a different Sunday, not the solitary peace of the early morning hours along the lake between Macclesfield and Zenna where a few months ago I started corricchiare, but on the greasy side "of this beautiful Lake Maggiore, with a cheerful and talkative mass of suits, trousers, sweaters and vests that are also in memory of epic memorabilia business, international people wearing a runs today. In the program LMHM 2011 Lago Maggiore Half Marathon and I'm here too my first "race", another sporting baptism. And today we celebrate a kind of liturgy, there is fresh water to surround beautiful Borromean islands, there is a godfather, the devil portrayed by Air with hat and red gloves and a godmother angelic, hat and white gloves with Elena . And then the most familiar faces, of the runners from Mars: The Donald and her husband, Mark, Laura, Ivano, Hanna, Francis, Amy ... and then a crowd of onlookers with their numbers rose and blue, front and back. Ready, set and go, the race is like life everyday: lots of people running as fast as he can, trying to outdo the other, with a goal be achieved; discovered to be alone with yourself with doubts and solve problems that no one, if not getting a pat on the back, a round of applause and encouragement. A life that runs fast but is also very slow, and those 6 'and one km from a seemingly endless and throw it in philosophy, recalling a song of PFM, "Who are you, what do you think, you never feel alone, you who 're like live, what you're looking at you? Nobody Nobody is my real name is my name. "As an Odysseus who must go home, extension unfamiliar faces and places that are different when crossed on foot, meeting hundreds of" acolytes " volunteers who can make the party, facing the long final climb, and "arrival" accepted by a large round eye at the center of the face of that Cyclops is Antonio. The baptism is done finally, because of the inconvenient distance showers, immersing myself in the friendly waters of the lake, the world the trouble of a piece of life. To all, thank you, "à la prochaine."
Roberto Bosco
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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05.03.2011 MAGIA A MILANO - Spegnete la luce...
Turn out the lights ... a moment, imagine ....
One morning almost ethereal evanescent, a square, a poignant sense of cold air and impertinent: Piazza Castello.
Then, slowly, like so many ants colored, this square a bit 'grigiolina asleep and begins to look like a living rainbow. The strange presences are beginning to crowd laughing, with preposterous shapes, with gold and yellow flags with headgear of all shapes and sizes ....
you there? Ok, then continue to keep my eyes closed ....
After the signal, they all move in and start cheering group to cross the most beautiful streets of downtown Milan, running, playing, whistling, screaming, in short, doing a lot of noise. Irreverent touch and approach to the unfortunate and Milanese with sleepy faces in the form of a question mark turn and ask, "But I had not had coffee? I'm still in bed and I'm dreaming or is this real? ".
The strange characters come out of a fairytale world juxtapose and kindly leave a less reluctant to flower and eventually for the same doubt of not being awake is transformed into the certainty of being part of something inexplicable.
emerging from all corners, crevices, suddenly seem to multiply, jump, laugh out loud, threatening burlesque surrounding air travelers, scare them with a smile and then ... flee away again.
Again travel Piazza Duomo, the Galleria, Piazza della Scala, Via Montenapoleone, take to the subway, and so on more merry and impudent.
Children who are on the path to gasp and instantly convince you that their favorite characters from movies and cartoons ... ARE THERE REALLY! "Mom, Dad .... guardaaaaaaa !!!!!": The Barbapapa, cruel Demon, Harrison Ford, Pippi Longstocking, The Wizard, The Tiger, Mary Poppins, Pierrot, The Mouse, The Snail, The monk, the jockey and many others.
All parade and tireless dancing wildly playful a beautiful ballad that leaves literally stunned all who are crossing the street and in their footsteps.
But the dance does not stop, the sun is shining in the sky and the city seems enchanted, as if suddenly the time has stopped and the memory of the sad stories of illness and the season is a distant oblivion, everything is no longer as before.
Even the asphalt has changed color, it seems to unroll in front of everyone as opening a passage through the crowd to back off and lights up with smiles.
In stores enjoyed a series of noses are rubbed on the glass of the windows trying to peek at a segment, leaving the dryer on, credit cards at the POS, cafes run by machines and sliding doors open without feeling the cold to enter. Gallery
In a strange character (say you call George Clooney, or looks like ... boh) unrolls a long scroll and in a moment, as if by magic, hundreds of signatures appear on it: the characters are stopped and narrow all around, and left an indelible mark of their membership agreement which will take them farther and farther away, even in the most incredible journeys ... a deal before the world and the world. For a few minutes, the time goes into apnea.
The river starts to color and leaves behind a trail of happiness and lightness.
continues toward its goal, is not subsiding, it turns the last step and persistently comes on arrival. Now you can
open your eyes ... it's all true, you have not imagined it all, the monthly trip to a large growing group of runners down from Mars to brighten the days of no particular good, and sometimes mistreated Milan has done it again. This month, with beautiful costumes and disguises, but each time with one spirit: to bring a message of solidarity and brotherhood that get real results, events beyond words and gestures.
E 'this fantastic journey of closeness, communication, export of old and new ideas which is the secret of the Martians: all for one and one for all, united in doing good, in a world where the good you do not know what to is or is doomed in another way.
Un obiettivo raggiunto ancora: più di 2000 euro per CIAI Onlus per ristrutturare 3 aule in una scuola elementare del quartiere Stadera di Milano.
Una scuola che non ha fondi sufficienti, mentre si dice che sarebbe meglio non averle proprio certe scuole e mentre nel loro piccolo tante persone lavorano perché questo non accada.
Una scuola avrà dai Marziani una possibilità di fare meglio e di più, e noi Marziani ci sentiamo di avere sempre e per sempre una possibilità in più per cambiare il mondo.
Grazie a tutti i Marziani e le Marziane che popolano il nostro amato mondo.
La Prof. Lanzi/Louise/Mary Poppins
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06.03.2011 STRESA - 4a Lago Maggiore Half Marathon - FOTO - NOTIZIE - COMMENTI
4th Lake Maggiore Half Marathon
hot day and the sun ggiata for this fourth edition of the most scenic half marathon you can not. In more than 2150 people crossed the finish line and won with a spectacular 1:00:00 the Kenyan Dereje Deme (new course record). For the Italian colors 10 ° NISHIRIMANA JOACHIM (Tuscany Athletics Caripit) 1:06:45 - First woman to finish CHEPKIRUI JOYCE in 1:11:18, while the first Italian woman is Valeria Straneo (Team Runner 99) fourth classified in 1:13:00.
PHOTOS>>> - comment on posts at the top
° ° °
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Milano 05.03.2011 - Podisti da Marte, Missione n° 24 per CIAI Onlus “Carnevale e Festa della Donna”
The Mission of Joy
this morning we ran the 24 th Mars mission, we also achieved the goal of collecting 2,000 euro to renovate classrooms Social Centre Steelyard district of Milan, where CIAI (Italian Centre for relief) attends a score of children from families in need. I asked the girls to CIAI, they were running with us: "But you would never imagine that group of crazy people are the Martians?" And they said: "We have never had so much fun! There ... >>> Ettore "Hasta Siempre Gnocca" Comparelli
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05.03.2011 Milano - Carnevale, Marziani e Podisti Da Marte... - FOTO E VIDEO
... Runners from Mars and became the first company Running
we celebrated Carnival transvestites running, we ran for a good cause and we have achieved the goal and after two years become runners from Mars ....
"ASD Runners from Mars"
Runners from Mars - 1 of 2 ALBUM
Friday, March 4, 2011
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March 17 - 150 years of the Unification of Italy
As we celebrate 150 years for the Unification of Italy Turin Marathon organizes at its headquarters in Cascina La Marquise in the grounds of Pellerina ( Regina Margherita 371 - Torino) at 18.00 a happening for all travel over a distance of 5 km in fantastic park Pellerina.
The appointment is for Thursday, March 17 at 17.30.
Registration is free.
After the race there will be a drink for everyone. For info 011.4559959
March 17 - 150 years of the Unification of Italy
As we celebrate 150 years for the Unification of Italy Turin Marathon organizes at its headquarters in Cascina La Marquise in the grounds of Pellerina ( Regina Margherita 371 - Torino) at 18.00 a happening for all travel over a distance of 5 km in fantastic park Pellerina.
The appointment is for Thursday, March 17 at 17.30.
Registration is free.
After the race there will be a drink for everyone. For info 011.4559959
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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“ODE” al “CAMPETTO” – Parco Sempione di Busto Arsizio
Campetto: ring in the green.
730 meters to go thousands of times,
half an hour every day to reach
a longing for happiness. A fertile
Park. sea \u200b\u200bpines, tall trees, birches
, flowers and rose fanno da cornice a questa
piccola oasi per creare un luogo ameno.
Lo sport è gioia di vita, un gesto plastico,
passo dopo passo a macinare chilometri.
Con la mente assorta nei tuoi pensieri, più profondi, più intimi.
Pensi ai tuoi amati genitori, alle splendide nipotine.
Poi vai a ritroso con la memoria ritornando alla gioventù, ai tuoi vent’anni….
Retoriche illusioni il per impegnare il tuo fisico e la tua psiche.
Come un metronomo, la corsa, vezzo quotidiano
di un attempato signore che non vuole arrendersi
alla tetragona legge del tempo.
Ma reagire per rincorrere invano un apoteosi di gioventù!
Romano Delegation
Romano along with a few other is an old frequenter of the Parco Sempione, pompous name given after the restructuring (with many still suspended) occurred a few years ago thanks to a long battle fought by us, very few visitors of the past with local institutions. Once it was simply referred to as the pitch behind the hospital. " We met there in 2003 has become our laurel, and many other friends, a meeting almost daily to jog or just to chat.
Romano, in a moment of inspiration, wrote this short prose that pleased the public.
Romano, in a moment of inspiration, wrote this short prose that pleased the public.
Campetto: ring in the green.
730 meters to go thousands of times,
half an hour every day to reach
a longing for happiness. A fertile
Park. sea \u200b\u200bpines, tall trees, birches
, flowers and rose fanno da cornice a questa
piccola oasi per creare un luogo ameno.
Lo sport è gioia di vita, un gesto plastico,
passo dopo passo a macinare chilometri.
Con la mente assorta nei tuoi pensieri, più profondi, più intimi.
Pensi ai tuoi amati genitori, alle splendide nipotine.
Poi vai a ritroso con la memoria ritornando alla gioventù, ai tuoi vent’anni….
Retoriche illusioni il per impegnare il tuo fisico e la tua psiche.
Come un metronomo, la corsa, vezzo quotidiano
di un attempato signore che non vuole arrendersi
alla tetragona legge del tempo.
Ma reagire per rincorrere invano un apoteosi di gioventù!
Romano Delegation
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