Only in the Engadine and in Valtellina there are four spas: St. Moritz, Scuol, Bagni di Masino e Bormio. Un tempo esisteva una rinomata fonte di acqua ferrugginosa anche a Santa Caterina Valfurva, ma purtroppo in seguito ad alcuni lavori di ampliamento della pista da sci limitrofa alla torbiera da cui sgorgava, il percorso dell'acqua deviò e non si riuscì più a ritrovarla.
la Valtellina, all'altezza di Ardenno si diparte sulla sinistra la statale per la Val Masino, cupa valle alpina già ricordata da Salvatore Quasimodo . Si arriva ai Bagni di Masino salendo per una strada tortuosa che corre lungo uno dei pochi torrenti non ancora imbrigliati dalle opere delle centrali elettriche, circondati da pini ed abeti. Si giunge infine in un a basin, surrounded by imposing walls and looming and you are immersed in an atmosphere of yesteryear. The old hotel Delabre looks full of charm, too bad it is open only in summer. The spa is modern as well as the old building recently renovated. The water flows from the mountains to around 38 ° C and the site is the ideal place to relax and enjoy the great calm of the site, isolated from the world because, fortunately, the phone and you do not take the old head of fixed phone the hotel.
Bormio resort is too well known for its hot springs. I have already said that the historical sources speak of Pliny, Cassiodorus and Leonardo , now I will speak instead of the differences between the three spas. Bormio Terme is a modern spa suitable for children and families: you spend relatively little and enjoy some good times in large pools or slides. Too bad that chlorine is added to water spa.

Bormio resort is too well known for its hot springs. I have already said that the historical sources speak of Pliny, Cassiodorus and Leonardo , now I will speak instead of the differences between the three spas. Bormio Terme is a modern spa suitable for children and families: you spend relatively little and enjoy some good times in large pools or slides. Too bad that chlorine is added to water spa.

through the Alps we reach St. Moritz, the tourism capital of the Alps Here spa baths are a bit 'so to speak because there is only one source ferrugginosa, with which, however, our Swiss neighbors can do miracles: the rest of the alpine tourism was born here over a hundred years ago.
Going down to the 'Lower Engadine (as they say in Romansh) is finally school, a large village with stone houses with painted facades and the church bell with the tip, as in Christmas cards or cartoons Heidi. Here, twenty years ago the municipality has built a modern spa , still perfectly clean and well maintained. The part I like most is the circular tank outdoors, where the current being drawn with a breathtaking view of the mountains. Around Scuol flow more than 20 hot springs, some of which are also used in Bad Tarasp Vulpera, a village that is located above a narrow gorge of the Inn and dominated by an impressive castle.
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