A crowded exhibition hall of the 1500 students ... and you hear a pin drop. It seems surreal image of the Italian school, but that's what happened today in Morbegno. Mario Calabresi, Manlio Milani Benedetta Tobagi (in order of appearance) along with the journalist of the Corriere Giangiacomo Schiavi held the audience riveted for two hours, in commemoration of a key period to read and understand our recent history and Italy present the seventies, in which massacres and terrorism threatened to cripple the country.

... and an old man, an old worker, Manlio Milani, who is unknown to the general public for the wearing of a name (and a personal story behind it) "heavy". But no less heavy is the weight of the massacres of anonymity, shared with their victims. Victims of terrorism furono infatti persone "simbolo", le stragi invece colpirono nel mucchio, la morte fu indiscriminata, le persone divennero solo numeri: "strage di Piazza della Loggia, 8 morti; stazione di Bologna, 85".
E' per questo che è essenziale ritrovare la memoria . Calabresi non a caso ha scelto di non parlare della propria vicenda personale, ma di quella del medico Luigi Marangoni come emblematica della strategia perversa del terrorismo. Ed ha posto l'accento sul fatto che per guardare al futuro (che è la cosa più saggia da fare oggi in Italia) è necessario aver messo a posto il proprio passato, facendo chiarezza. Fino a pochi anni fa le vittime del terrorismo sono state considerate qualcosa di uncomfortable, then as noted Schiavi something has changed. It 'important, as Melanie said, "give meaning to history." For too long there has been a sort of "removal" of this dark period, but injuries removed, as noted by the Mayor of Morbegno, at some point in life appear and you have to deal with them.
In Italy it is difficult to make history without there being an ideological reading, we are still anchored to a political reading of the Risorgimento and the Resistance, let alone the seventies! But as Calabresi, Milani and Tobago have been able to recover the memory to push the night away, I think that Italy and the Italians are to develop this collective mourning for final delivery gli anni di piombo alla storia e guardare al futuro.
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