Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ap Biology Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problems

The problem with Luke is called: ACHILLEA tendinopathy - a case that afflicts so many runners

Sunday morning, I should be running: a lot of snow that fell in January and February has melted and the temperatures begin to be reasonable, but are stuck at home doing nothing. And they are four months Achilles tendinopathy.
Running is a passion: racing, training. It would only write about this, but the proverbial elephant in the living room , what everybody knows but nobody wants to talk (for fear of gufare), is the reality of injuries. Our injuries, fortunately, are much less evident than those of cyclists, it is hard you end up with a leg casts or less some teeth, but are more common and more subtle.
This chronic disease of the Achilles tendon is not my first accident (and is unlikely to be the last one): A year ago, I pulled back for a year with a knee problem for which it took me six months and a 'cortisone injection to treat. From that experience I learned not to expect (more than one month) before going to a doctor, because the pain in all'achilleo not passed, even grown to unbearable during hot chocolate run in December I decided to go to my doctor and see what to do.
I started with
physiotherapy twice a week, but after two months of stretching and ice packs with no signs of improvement, the doctor decided on a more active way and we have tried to iontophoresis . Through this injection "needle free", an electric field forces the drug, in my case an anti-inflammatory, to pass through the barrier from the skin and reach the tendon looks painful but it is not absolutely, as you feel a creeping where you applied the electrode.
were now three months since I ran the tests and for all solve the damn problem, and it became increasingly clear that this was not an accident but a simple inflammation chronic. As I told my doctor, who specializes in sports medicine (I highly recommend trying to get a sports doctor or a referral from your GP), the Achilles tendon is hard to cure because it is poorly perfused with blood . To meet this "defect" for a while 'for years, is experimenting with a treatment that uses the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. The PRP
years now using it to accelerate post-surgical healing of tissues, especially in plastic and aesthetic surgery, in fact, everything that I have found Italian network in regards cosmetic surgery. English is much more, perhaps because the first experiments and especially the first cases involving professional athletes were made in the United States. In short, the PRP is created by spinning the blood of the patient (so there is no risk of rejection) and separating red blood cells and platelets from white heavier and plasma. This cocktail is injected on the site of the accident and the hope is that the plates contained therein catalyze the body's response and heal the tendon injury. This
very briefly, for my I translated a couple of articles, one published in the New York Times and the other su Scientific American , in cui viene discusso e spiegato ciò che si sa ed a che punto è la sperimentazione. Sebbene sia ancora in fase sperimentale, molti dottori la consigliano poiché spesso l'alternativa è un intervento chirurgico.

Il trattamento PRP non è piacevole: l'iniezione è dolorosa e per almeno due giorni non si ha nemmeno voglia di camminare. Da esperienza personale , questi dolori e soprattutto il zoppicare passano velocemente ma questo non vuol dire che i risultati siano visibili in solo una settimana: la visita di controllo è fissata per fine marzo. Fino ad allora, I have physical therapy twice a week, this half hour is devoted to strengthening and mobility exercises the muscles of the ankle and calf.

is still too early to know if it worked (the medicine is not an exact science): crossing my fingers, even toes, and I pray to be back as soon as possible to train - the one that is harder to accept is feeling of throwing away all that months of strenuous training have created.
Luca Grisa

What Vest Do Police Officers Wear

13.03.2011, Milano - Trofeo Parco Sempione 23 Miles and OLD

return home prematurely AND WET ..... hopefully .... "LUCKY"
think that this morning I have taken part in a ski mountaineering Trophy Gherardi Foppolo (BG) that just on Saturday I went to see, among other things making me quite a thousand meters in altitude, surely the "ideal" before a race muscularly demanding but as fast as that of the Parco Sempione.
Since, however, that the weather reports have long predicted a rainy weekend I had preserved from enrolling at the Trofeo Parco Sempione, always well organized and the race track that is well suited to my characteristics
So when this morning instead of going in " share "in that I am at the start of Milan ....
Actually at first I was not really at ease without skis under your feet but then the adaptation was spontaneous and the result despite the precarious current condition was not bad, actually to be honest beyond my expectations.
Return to road racing so early but overall positive.
Congratulations to the organizers for having managed one day, made even more challenging weather conditions, in the best way .... but to all the die-hard runners who have not deterred by bad weather and so many at the start ... A
Davide Milesi

I ran for Claudio
in Milan this morning in the beautiful setting of the park and Sempione was held under the rain, the Trophy has seen the Simplon route more than 1000 runners.
Today was a special day there was a reason to run, to remember Claudio Oldrati runner Athletics Lambro missed a few days ago ... was a friend of Claudio, one of the first people I met since I started racing and I was promised that today I ran for him.
As for the race I was hoping to do well and improve my old record 34'26 knowing the path and weather conditions would not have helped, I left the first km then 3'10 6'25 9'47 and then the rate has stabilized and switched to the 5000m 16'45 always around the 20th position with his friend and partner training Samuel Lazarus then we reached the 7km my great friend and colleague Elia Polli probably not in its best day and we proceeded together to 9km is taken when the brawl ... I figured I could do a really long time ... and so with a final 5 km in 3'10 preceded "by Elijah and Samuel 33'48 I did that for me is a result of which they are happy.
front of the race was won by Alessandro Crespi in 31'21 on Ruffoni in 31'30 "and 31'36 in Stefano Casagrande, bravo Mirko 6 ° and 8 ° 32'23 in Zanovello Mirko Rogue engaged in a test ahead of 'imminent marathon in Rome.
In women 1, the talented triathlete Anna Mazzetti in 36'05 "on a young Sara Galimberti in 37'33 and 37'38 veteran Claudia Jasmine.
To note the participation of Maria Teresa Cattaneo Claudio Oldrati wife who raced in 57'07 with most runners Lambro athletics to remember Claudio!
The race was well organized as always pity only for the climate is not the best.
Matteo Old

Butalbital Apap Caffeine Plus Tabs

13.03.2011, Milan - 23 ° Trofeo Parco Sempione - photos and news

weather forecast is not more wrong today doveva piovere ed è piovuto. Ciò nonostante in oltre 1000 si sono presentati al nastro di partenza per la galoppata di 10km all’interno del Parco Sempione per l'omonimo 23° Trofeo. Vincono questa edizione bagnata: 1.Crespi Merhium (Esercito) 31.21, al femminile Mazzetti Anna Maria (Friesin Team) 36.05 – 2. Ruffoni Alessandro (Pro Patria Milano) 31.30 e Galimberti Sara (Vis Nova Giussano) 37.33 – 3.Casagrande Stefano (U.S. Milanese) 31.36 e Gelsomino Claudia (Atl. Palzola) 37.38 – Il portacolori della mia società   Marco Brambilla (Alt.San Marco) si defends the big square 9 th overall and first in class.

photos and comments

BEPPE - 1 album: roundup
Monday's other albums
Telegraphic but effective!
Race always difficult Ciovasso then so be it even the rain to aumentare il pathos. Sempre meglio del vento che infestò un paio di edizioni passate. Il percorso per me nuovo è ben disegnato, con un ultimo km molto spettacolare. Pacco gara pieno di pubblicità e aromi artificiali (inclusa la mitica barretta alla mela-tutta-mela-aroma di mela) ma meno male che c'erano oltre 1000 atleti che di artificiale non avevano nulla (speriamo...). Poi se alla pioggia consegue un Capasso in tale abito con cotanto cappello, apritevi saracinesche del cielo, che Formigoni e la Moratti altra soluzione non hanno, alle polveri sottili.
Piuttosto buffoni, nelle prime file, che non volevano tornare indietro anche quando dalla decima in poi si era deciso di arretrare. Tutto il mondo è paese.
Nicola Pellizzari