27.02.2011 S.Giorgio su Legnano - Campionati Italiani di Società di Corsa Campestre - ... io “devo” partire forte!
I'm here to tell briefly my trip CDS to St. George on Legnano (MI).
I state that I spent Saturday night doing a rain dance in hopes of finding the race on Sunday morning on a muddy field as I like (because, for those who do not realize it was from my quads, I have a travel much muscle!).
Sunday morning departure from Trent at 7.30 in a nice snow as we approached Milan turned into rain.
While I rejoiced during the trip the weather for my comrades, the team sent me af ... .. or (= in that country)! But
arrived in Milan the rain had suddenly vanished blocked by a huge cloud of smog. Cabbages
all my energy spent Saturday night to pray for rain were not used to anything ... .. if I knew I "wasted" energies in some other way more pleasant ;-)
10.30 am arrival on the field competition .... I was hopeful frozen moisture in Milan to find some beautiful boy to warm up .. but I figured I had all the "blinders" focused for the race! At 12
started to change and I realize I have forgotten her bra on race ... ... but then I realize that my talents from "Po valley slightly hilly" it or not it was all the same!
13 hours ... more than 150 women in the pits of the departure of long-cross (6 km), one beside the other horses prancing as they exchanged smiles and fake encouragement of "good luck", but that Actually each of them thought "I hope you come tummy ache. ... or I hope you fall. ... but you beat them you can be assured. "
13.15 the judge on the GO!
I always like playing the whole (which is a 800 meters or a half marathon I "I" from strong)!
But after finishing the first 3 km on my worst enemy "lactic acid" wanted to interfere in my legs!! I still tried to fight it and hold on to the finish, winning the 44th place at the individual level and 11 ° of the team.
15 hours we start the van ... but at some point I find myself in front of Gabriele De Nard intent to change his underwear after his great race and I could not avoid "admire" his mighty physical (if you know Federica .... kill me !!!).
Finally we leave for break in Trento ... Autogrill for lunch .. and then ... and then ... as a "digestive" I could not sing my battle cry "Anima Mia"!
19 hours to arrive in Trento ... my comrades, the team had some upset stomach after my singing performance ... but what a beautiful day in the company of good hard work!
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SERVICE PHOTO >>> Anthony - Beppe - Ivano
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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27.02.2011 S.Giorgio su Legnano - Campionati Italiani di Società di Corsa Campestre - Emozioni
What emotions today ...
Hello Antonio! Good to see you today, looking for looking for our first race, women's short cross, I saw your camera! .. But after the race there you are there to capture all the best moments in the final! that emotion today ... I could not describe because it was a cauldron of cask much for my heart! After a year and a few month or the beginning of my life running I am satisfied ... I am pleased with the results (34th team to Italians), I am satisfied by the company, away from yesterday and today that has enriched me once again the heart of an athlete and not ... I saw my first team (which is my family and always it will be, the Scavo2000 of Rome), I saw all the other teams who ran with us in the training stage of Caracalla ... and I joined my sister and great team today and with them all: the largest win! It was time that my friends always talk about the Romans in 22 Gio Rivera and finally slide shows and last big dinner together, so many laughs, lots of gossip to fatigue in training, races and lots of hugs ... I want you all a good soul, one by one all those that athletics has made me closer ... Today was a great comparison with the champions at high levels, the course was very, very well between ups and downs and the promptings of an audience I could not hear and could see some time ... these are the races: hard work and twinning sports! Thank you for your support and Antonio look as always your beautiful photos!
A big hug ... see you next!
Stella Riva
Once again, the smile of the young ...
Hello Antonio and of course a warm greeting to all the readers of your blog. I am writing to inform you my impressions on these Italian Championships Company that the U.S. Sangiorgesi President of Pastors wanted combined with Campaccio this Sunday, February 27. It 'was an issue once again successful, participation and quality of the participants. Beyond the technical results and comments, I want to submit a few brief notes. All positive. The first concerns the participation of Stefano Baldini as the face and the welcome visit of the artist Annalisa Minetti. "We are on the way to athletics, and this is already important. To be on the right still takes many resources and the help of the media" so Baldini, complimenting for the success of the party and pulling stock of what should be done today for the movement, from its base, because the athletic resume blue to fly. In San Giorgio is a young coach like Carlo Giulioni who is working with the support of the company for the youth sector and this vision is that it should be taken as an example. "My dream is to go to London in 2012. Meanwhile it is already beautiful part of my race or come even on occasions like this because sports are a wonderful thing in life." So as an artist sensitive Minetti was most welcome guest of the event. Good luck to achieve the dream. Among the images più belle del Campaccio odierno, ancora una volta il sorriso dei giovani, dai gemelli toscani Dini, Lorenzo e Samuele che si sono presentati assieme al traguardo, a tutta la grinta che ragazze e ragazzi ci hanno messo. E allora prendiamoci un po' di sano ottimismo da questo presente per il futuro: forse almeno la strada giusta l'abbiamo imboccata. Serve solo crederci e che questi giovani abbiano tutto il supporto necessario perché l'atletica è regina degli sport, parchè vera e autentica.
Con amicizia, Luca Di Falco
IL SERVIZIO FOTOGRAFICO >>>di Antonio - Beppe - Ivano
What emotions today ...
Hello Antonio! Good to see you today, looking for looking for our first race, women's short cross, I saw your camera! .. But after the race there you are there to capture all the best moments in the final! that emotion today ... I could not describe because it was a cauldron of cask much for my heart! After a year and a few month or the beginning of my life running I am satisfied ... I am pleased with the results (34th team to Italians), I am satisfied by the company, away from yesterday and today that has enriched me once again the heart of an athlete and not ... I saw my first team (which is my family and always it will be, the Scavo2000 of Rome), I saw all the other teams who ran with us in the training stage of Caracalla ... and I joined my sister and great team today and with them all: the largest win! It was time that my friends always talk about the Romans in 22 Gio Rivera and finally slide shows and last big dinner together, so many laughs, lots of gossip to fatigue in training, races and lots of hugs ... I want you all a good soul, one by one all those that athletics has made me closer ... Today was a great comparison with the champions at high levels, the course was very, very well between ups and downs and the promptings of an audience I could not hear and could see some time ... these are the races: hard work and twinning sports! Thank you for your support and Antonio look as always your beautiful photos!
A big hug ... see you next!
Stella Riva
Once again, the smile of the young ...
Hello Antonio and of course a warm greeting to all the readers of your blog. I am writing to inform you my impressions on these Italian Championships Company that the U.S. Sangiorgesi President of Pastors wanted combined with Campaccio this Sunday, February 27. It 'was an issue once again successful, participation and quality of the participants. Beyond the technical results and comments, I want to submit a few brief notes. All positive. The first concerns the participation of Stefano Baldini as the face and the welcome visit of the artist Annalisa Minetti. "We are on the way to athletics, and this is already important. To be on the right still takes many resources and the help of the media" so Baldini, complimenting for the success of the party and pulling stock of what should be done today for the movement, from its base, because the athletic resume blue to fly. In San Giorgio is a young coach like Carlo Giulioni who is working with the support of the company for the youth sector and this vision is that it should be taken as an example. "My dream is to go to London in 2012. Meanwhile it is already beautiful part of my race or come even on occasions like this because sports are a wonderful thing in life." So as an artist sensitive Minetti was most welcome guest of the event. Good luck to achieve the dream. Among the images più belle del Campaccio odierno, ancora una volta il sorriso dei giovani, dai gemelli toscani Dini, Lorenzo e Samuele che si sono presentati assieme al traguardo, a tutta la grinta che ragazze e ragazzi ci hanno messo. E allora prendiamoci un po' di sano ottimismo da questo presente per il futuro: forse almeno la strada giusta l'abbiamo imboccata. Serve solo crederci e che questi giovani abbiano tutto il supporto necessario perché l'atletica è regina degli sport, parchè vera e autentica.
Con amicizia, Luca Di Falco
IL SERVIZIO FOTOGRAFICO >>>di Antonio - Beppe - Ivano
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Sondrio city of hidden treasures. Arts
The beauty of Sondrio, are hidden. To find out we must dare to venture through the streets of downtown, open doors, climb the stairs. Behind the austere facade of the buildings are hidden loggias and colonnades, halls vaguely Bavarian baroque and Stue richly carved. It 's just a wooden sculpture with its strong religious one of the jewels of the Valtellina Museum of History and Art. The other is the local pride Ligari painting of Peter, the patriarch of the Valtellina's most famous family of artists of the eighteenth century, Peter von Salis called Chur to paint his palace in a vain attempt to unite the Valtellina Graubünden as a fourth League mending relations between Catholics and Protestants dopo l’uccisione di Nicolò Rusca e le stragi del Sacro Macello.
The beauty of Sondrio, are hidden. To find out we must dare to venture through the streets of downtown, open doors, climb the stairs. Behind the austere facade of the buildings are hidden loggias and colonnades, halls vaguely Bavarian baroque and Stue richly carved. It 's just a wooden sculpture with its strong religious one of the jewels of the Valtellina Museum of History and Art. The other is the local pride Ligari painting of Peter, the patriarch of the Valtellina's most famous family of artists of the eighteenth century, Peter von Salis called Chur to paint his palace in a vain attempt to unite the Valtellina Graubünden as a fourth League mending relations between Catholics and Protestants dopo l’uccisione di Nicolò Rusca e le stragi del Sacro Macello.
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Sondrio Sondrio wine town
Il capoluogo della Valtellina, ha soli 22.000 abitanti. I suoi dintorni sono famosi per gli sport invernali e le montagne maestose, frequentate d’inverno e d’estate dagli appassionati di sci e di alpinismo, ma la città dà il meglio di sé nelle mezze stagioni, con le sue vigne, i muretti a secco e i terrazzamenti frutto del duro lavoro di generazioni di contadini. Il Grumello e il Sassella, dal sapore aspro e deciso come queste montagne, sono i vini di questa terra.
Il capoluogo della Valtellina, ha soli 22.000 abitanti. I suoi dintorni sono famosi per gli sport invernali e le montagne maestose, frequentate d’inverno e d’estate dagli appassionati di sci e di alpinismo, ma la città dà il meglio di sé nelle mezze stagioni, con le sue vigne, i muretti a secco e i terrazzamenti frutto del duro lavoro di generazioni di contadini. Il Grumello e il Sassella, dal sapore aspro e deciso come queste montagne, sono i vini di questa terra.
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the city in the heart of the Alps History
Sondrio deve la sua fortuna alla posizione strategica al centro della Valtellina, tra le Orobie e le Retiche.
Le prime testimonianze of ancient settlements dating back to the Iron Age: the stone altar and the stone carvings of triangular Triasso closely recall the most famous recordings of Valcamonica.
no trace remains of Roman, but there are many examples of the medieval era, from two of the three castles that dominate the city: Castel and Castel Grumello Masegra.
This, at the mouth of Valmalenco on the path that led to the passage of the wall partition and Chur, the ancient capital of the Three Leagues, is the only castle that has been saved from the dismantling, initiated after the Holy Slaughter , who dominated the government of Graubünden Valtellina for three centuries. Indeed, it was the residence of the powerful family of Salis,
the most famous and influential families who had enriched Graubünden with the purchase of public offices and trade of wines from Valtellina. The castle is now partially open to the public and is home to the museum on historic domination of the Grisons.
Castel Grumello hand, is a rare example of a residential castle Gemini and another with a military function. Now the castle is the patrimony of the FAI and is therefore open to the public.
Sondrio deve la sua fortuna alla posizione strategica al centro della Valtellina, tra le Orobie e le Retiche.
Le prime testimonianze of ancient settlements dating back to the Iron Age: the stone altar and the stone carvings of triangular Triasso closely recall the most famous recordings of Valcamonica.

no trace remains of Roman, but there are many examples of the medieval era, from two of the three castles that dominate the city: Castel and Castel Grumello Masegra.

This, at the mouth of Valmalenco on the path that led to the passage of the wall partition and Chur, the ancient capital of the Three Leagues, is the only castle that has been saved from the dismantling, initiated after the Holy Slaughter , who dominated the government of Graubünden Valtellina for three centuries. Indeed, it was the residence of the powerful family of Salis,

Castel Grumello hand, is a rare example of a residential castle Gemini and another with a military function. Now the castle is the patrimony of the FAI and is therefore open to the public.
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