Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Segate Hard Drive Msds
Department of Culture
in collaborazione con l’Associazione P.A.E.
Ore 7:15 ritrovo alla Stazione Centrale di Treviglio
Ore 7:32 partenza partenza per Milano Greco Pirelli
Ore 8:45 partenza da Milano Greco Pirelli per Como
Ore 9:37 arrivo a Como: breve visita al centro storico della città
Ore 11:15 trasferimento a Brunate con la funicolare Como – Brunate
da qui per la mulattiera San Maurizio (circa 20 minuti in salita) si raggiunge il
ristorante “Locanda del dolce basilico” dove è prevista la sosta per il pranzo
(è disponibile anche un servizio di bus di linea per chi non vuol fare la salita a piedi)
Ore 15:00 dopo il pranzo inizio della camminata in discesa verso Como attraverso il sentiero
suggestivo che passa per l’Eremo di San Donato ( ex convento del XV secolo)
Ore 18:23 partenza in treno da Como per Milano Greco Pirelli
Ore 19:39 partenza da Milano Greco Pirelli per Treviglio
Ore 20:25 arrivo previsto a Treviglio
Quota partecipazione: Euro 20,00 da versare in contanti al momento dell’iscrizione presso il box
informazioni, è comprensiva del trasporto in treno, funicolare e dell’assicurazione contro infortuni.
€ 10 per iscrizione all’Associazione PAE (solo per chi non è ancora iscritto).
E 'can also reserve lunch at a cost of Euro 35,00
entries from July 27-Deadline: Aug. 19 at the box at the Office of the City of Culture
Treviglio, Bicetta Street, first floor, in the days of Mondays, Wednesdays at
10.30 to 12.00.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
What Was The Daily Routine In San Jose
Presidio against the landfill: July 15 all before the Region
Legambiente ..... confident participation!
Next July 15 will be the Conference of the Services which will give or not approvvazione EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for the landfill project on the area of \u200b\u200bthe former asbestos-cement Cava Vaillancourt of Treviglio.
About the project have spoken negatively Towns concerned: Treviglio, Calverley and Casirate.
It is an important step but not enough. The other institutions involved have not yet clarified their positions. In particular we refer to the Province and Region.
is not the final step. The authorization process requires additional steps. But a positive opinion, or even with the EIA requirements would open the project.
E 'need to raise the voice of citizens.
Our club along with Legambiente Lombardia, promotes a garrison from 9.15 am in front of the building in Via Sassetti, in Milan.
you're coming from Treviglio, the appointment is at 8:30 am at the Central Station, in Treviglio.
All are invited to attend.
For information: 3464972000 or 3398657525
The President of the Club: Arturo Giudicatti
For Regional Directors: Patrick Dolcini
Legambiente ..... confident participation!
Next July 15 will be the Conference of the Services which will give or not approvvazione EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for the landfill project on the area of \u200b\u200bthe former asbestos-cement Cava Vaillancourt of Treviglio.
About the project have spoken negatively Towns concerned: Treviglio, Calverley and Casirate.
It is an important step but not enough. The other institutions involved have not yet clarified their positions. In particular we refer to the Province and Region.
is not the final step. The authorization process requires additional steps. But a positive opinion, or even with the EIA requirements would open the project.
E 'need to raise the voice of citizens.
Our club along with Legambiente Lombardia, promotes a garrison from 9.15 am in front of the building in Via Sassetti, in Milan.
you're coming from Treviglio, the appointment is at 8:30 am at the Central Station, in Treviglio.
All are invited to attend.
For information: 3464972000 or 3398657525
The President of the Club: Arturo Giudicatti
For Regional Directors: Patrick Dolcini
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