Friday, June 26, 2009
Webcam Install For Gateway Windows Vista
CIPE has expressed their support to funding Brebemi Highway ' touted 'as the work incidental to the Expo of 2015 although it has no real connection with this important event. "This work is coupled with the bridge over the Strait of Messina, because they have not yet been shown to be useful - Simin says Damiano, president of Legambiente Lombardia - In fact, beyond statements propaganda, there is no reliable estimate on traffic flows that will use it, considering the competition from the nearby A4 motorway widened to four lanes. "
Brebemi In this perspective, the risk of being in perpetual deficit because it could account for only part of the flow of traffic from the A4, while the bulk, is in Palazzolo - Milan, hardly moves on Brebemi, since the fourth lane between Milan and Bergamo has much improved passing ability. But it continues to be removed, the real problem: the crossing of Milan. The highway north is increasingly clogged, and the time involved in this short stretch beyond an hour. It would be more rational point on the Varese foothills Bergamo to decongest the area north of Milan by preventing the forced passage from the capital to direct traffic flow to Varese and Brianza.
"Project financing of Brebemi is based exclusively on public guarantees - Dario Balotta notes, an expert on transport Legambiente - With the few resources available for public rather than chasing dreams would be extremely expensive to focus on priority quadrupling rail Treviglio-Brescia-Verona."
The serious TARE project also is the lack of a true environmental impact assessment, against some very serious damage and that will bring Brebemi to agricultural land and parks.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Traverse Rod, Columbus Oh

Video On Bergamo and on Sky channel 931 tonight at 21:30
VideoBergamo live on Sky Channel 931 and on the center-
: what "wrong"?
studio guests:
Zapperi Cesare, director of Bergamonews
Aldo Cristadoro, researcher Ipsos
Marcello Saponaro, the Lombardy Regional Council
leads: Eliana
tel: 035 21 58 79
Watch Previously the channel on Youtube
Writing for the preparation
Monday, June 15, 2009
Invitation Wording For Retirement Party
Sunday morning, around 9:30, there was an explosion inside 's Idroclean Street Industry, in Casirate d'Adda, a' company specializes in the recovery of waste water. The explosion was due to mixing between oxygen and methane formed in a clean ecological consists of a tank with a capacity of thousand cubic meters, which works to oxygen, which is combined with a gas burner. The force of the blast broke windows and other equipment inside the company as well as slabs of concrete that protects the tank . The explosion has alarmed many residents of Casirate, referring to the recent past when the company for many years, harassment and problems caused to the citizens. Many of these problems seemed to be resolved but the severity of this incident, which could have serious consequences back to the center of the state security system and of the management system. We know that is willing Idroclean a chiedere un forte ampliamento dell’attuale sito produttivo . Avevamo espresso a tal riguardo forti perplessità sia per la posizione dell’impianto a ridosso di altre unità produttive oltre che del paese stesso di Casirate , ed anche per la pericolosità ed il forte impatto ambientale delle attività dell’azienda . Queste criticità sembrano purtroppo esser confermate da questo incidente , che per fortunata causalità , non sembra aver causato danni alla popolazione ed al territorio .
Senza creare allarmismi , riteniamo che si debbano innanzitutto verificare appieno le caratteristiche di sicurezza dell’impianto ed il loro pieno rispetto during operation and maintenance, and provide for a transparent investigation to bring insights into the causes of the accident.
As to the request for extension, if it were made official, we are opposed in the manner and in the appropriate forums.
The President of the Club: Arturo Giudicatti
For Regional Directors: Patrick DolciniThursday, June 4, 2009
How Much Does A Victorinox Watch Cost?
The final phase of Enrico Pisoni, the Greens candidate for the province of Bergamo in the college of Treviglio-Castel Rozzone-election before the silence.
Drinking tap water is cheap, convenient and environmentally friendly: it costs less than bottled water, do not have to carry heavy packs in the house and is less polluting, both in terms of use bottles of plastic / glass, both in terms of transport of water, which often travel by road. But if we are the largest consumers of bottled water in Europe is because tap water does not seem secure enough. Translated into scientific terms, it means investigating the drinking water and water quality. In the case of Treviglio, in light of recent issues on hexavalent chromium, these questions are even more relevant, but need to be addressed in a serious and scientific, unbiased party.
The first point to consider is the quality of drinking water. The Italian law defines water as drinking water when the total chromium (including chromium) concentration was less than 50 micrograms per liter, we are in Treviglio to 25 micrograms / liter, but hexavalent chromium. The other reference standard, which is the only specifically relating to hexavalent chromium, however, refers to the reclamation and laying down to 5 micrograms per liter limit beyond which action is needed.
So, on balance, the water is Treviglio drinking because it respects the values \u200b\u200bprovided by law.
But we are sure that these values \u200b\u200bwill ensure the water quality?
Here is the second point to consider. To be able to investigate this aspect, Legambiente and a delegation of local administrators and representatives of civil society - including by me - was the European parliament for clarification on the case, Mrs Monica Frassoni, leader of the European Greens. From her we got that interpellation is submitted to the Environment Commission of the European Parliament to ask if it considers that Italy fully complies with the obligation of health protection requirements of European Directive 98/83. This request is become even more important in the face of the results of a recent U.S. study on the carcinogenicity of hexavalent chromium. Ultimately
Treviglio water can be drunk, because drinking water, but at the same time is not of particular quality, coming from an aquifer contaminated by chromium.
The situation, however, is now unlocked: a few weeks ago the region (after repeated requests from the town of Treviglio) has authorized the municipality itself to deepen wells citizens. This will allow to reach an aquifer is not contaminated, and then to extract drinking water quality. As a Councilor I will endeavor to ensure that there are serious and timely manner so that the timing authorization and implementation of such operations are possible. And to ensure that environmental issues are addressed with the necessary scientific.