And 'one of the traditional dishes of the Valtellina, which was always cooked when you kill CIUN, the pig. All parts of the pig were not used in the preparation of the meats were cooked in a pot with the addition of barley and vegetables. The ribollita dumega was consumed and the days that followed, making it more tasty.
Actually dumega is a local grain a bit 'different barley, beans with a little' longer, but today you can prepare a good soup even with regular pearl barley.

400 grams of barley 2 large carrots
2 potatoes 1 onion 2 stalks of celery
rind and pig feet and / or bacon, diced beef broth
100 g butter 50 g of Bitto cheese and 0.25 of the laurel
cream, sage
Preparation: Keep
barley to soak overnight. Dice the vegetables and slice the onion. In a separate pan cook the pork and cut into smaller pieces. Melt the butter in a pan with the bacon, add the vegetables and then drained and dried barley and toast, add the broth and spices, and cook over low heat for a couple of hours. Half an hour before the end add the pork. Finally add the cream and Bitto cheese, mix well and serve.